
CODENAME “CHARLIE”: The So-Called Whistleblower

Guest post by Ted Malloch

There is more than one political spy in the White House. Sent there to report on the President, his decision-making and America First policies, they come from and report back to the nefarious Deep State, not to some foreign adversary, or do they? This is certainly sedition but could it also include acts of treason?

The Deep State is not a pejorative euphemism or a conspiracy theory, either.

It is nothing more or less than the unelected bureaucrats from the national security apparatus, especially the various intelligence agencies. Eisenhower warned about it in his 1961 Farewell Speech, calling it the “military industrial complex.” It cannot and should not be dismissed away.

Eric Ciaramella, aged 33, a low-level CIA, GS-13 analyst, who is publicly known as such, is an example in point.

At 5’3” and 143 lbs. the slight build, brown eyed and dark-haired, bearded, straight male, with a size 8 shoe size, according to official records, was detailed to both the Obama and Trump National Security Council staffs — from Langley –the Agency.

The so-called “whistleblower” is in truth, anything but.

Whistleblowers have a long and venerable history in the US going all the way back to Washington’s Navy. They are defined under The Whistleblower Protection Act of 1989. They do not have “anonymity” except by the Inspector General to whom they submit complaints.

A close reading suggests this is not a whistleblower case. It does not concern a legal matter about contracts, fraud, theft, or misappropriation but rather is a politicized effort to achieve a policy end and the ultimate removal of a President.

This person is instead what could be termed, a ‘radicalized’ bureaucrat usurper. He is a strong Democrat partisan, and a Trump-hater, who has ties to both globalist and Islamist ideology — going way back. Make no mistake, he was conspiring to attempt to overthrow the duly elected government of the United States.

This is the inside story of what in effect is a mole, an agent codenamed: “Charlie,” who spied on Trump and his Administration from the inside and is now at the epicenter of Rep. Adam Shiff’s (D-CA), entire impeachment scam and the Soviet-style show trial surrounding it.

Mark Zaid, a leftist attorney for the whistleblower tweeted in response to the story and his client’s recent exposure, “We won’t comment on identifying info but if true, give me a break! Bias? Seriously? Most (people) are.”

More telling perhaps is Zaid’s tweet exposing the effort against Trump, “#coup has started. As one falls, two more will take their place. #rebellion #impeachment” Zaid said, admitting that the Deep State will continue to make up new scandals until one does the trick and removes Trump from office.

In fact, Ciaramella hails from Prospect, Connecticut and attended Ivy League, Yale University, graduating in 2008. As a Russian studies major, young Eric was keenly active on the political Left at Yale and learned to speak Arabic. It is said he became very agitated about injustices against Arabs and may have even converted to Islam.

He was cited by the Yale Daily News, the student newspaper, as a ringleader in a protest around the removal of a modern language and noted Islamist faculty member. Yale faculty who taught him found him both studious and overly zealous.

A research grant from the Yale MacMillan International and Area Studies Center shows his interest in the European Union and its benefits to Italy. Ciaramella exhibited wildly pro-EU views and globalist preferences in that early but tell-tale undergraduate piece. He seemed to think the democratic socialist and supranationalist view of Europe far better than its nativist and nationalist alternative.

Studying shortly at Harvard without taking a degree, the budding linguist wrote a 2009 paper on, “Language in the Public Sphere in Three Post-Soviet Capital Cities,” Tbilisi, Georgia; Yerevan, Armenia; Baku, Azerbaijan.

Ciaramella was also a corresponding author for Harvard’s Department of Linguistics, where he penned yet another curious paper entitled, “Structural ambiguity in the Georgian verbal noun.” It is a typical modern humanities type study using deconstruction to “distinguish between more proposition-like and more event-like readings of verbal noun phrases.”

After a short stint working as an external contractor at the World Bank, Ciaramella described himself in a now deleted LinkedIn page, as a “consultant on poverty reduction.”  He was cited in a publication by that institution in 2011 entitled, “Russia Reshaping Economic Geography.” It is an argument largely against post-Soviet Russia and its ambitions in Eastern Europe. The analyst appears to prefer communist Soviet Russia to its present embodiment.

After testing, Ciaramella was offered an analyst, not an operations job, in the CIA in late 2011, in the second term of the Obama presidency. With it, he obtained a Top-Secret security clearance.

Paul Sperry’s excellent investigative reporting makes clear that Ciaramella (pronounced (Char a MEL-AH or codename: “Charlie”) “previously worked with both former Vice President Joe Biden and former CIA Director John Brennan.

He is in fact a close protégé of Brennan’s and was a lieutenant to Susan Rice in the Obama White House. He left his National Security Council posting in the West Wing in mid-2017 amid concerns attributed to him about negative leaks to the media. As reported, “He was accused of working against Trump and leaking against Trump,” according to a former NSC official.

Ciaramella had already been tied to DNC operations and oppo research conducted by Alexandra Chalupa, a Ukrainian-American who targeted efforts to accuse Trump’s campaign of Russian collusion.

Ciaramella’s boss in the Obama White House was Charles Kupchan. He was also a “Special Assistant to President Obama”, according to his business card. They both reported directly to Susan Rice. Kupchan is known as a close friend and ally of Hillary Clinton sycophant Sydney Blumenthal, who helped create the Steele dossier from Ukrainian and Russian sources.

The registered Democrat CIA agent also got to know Vice President Biden well and travelled with him on many occasions, including at least two trips to the Ukraine itself. He considered himself the “Ukraine expert”. He likely knew of, if not personally, Biden Hunter, who was intimately tied to and paid to go on the board of the corrupt Ukrainian oil and gas company, Burisma Holdings.

However never did the then National Security Council analyst raise issues about Ukrainian corruption (which is highly listed by Transparency International) or any conflict of interest between Biden and his son’s doings. Ciaramella was called by those in the inner circle, “Biden’s point man on the Ukraine.” He watched his ass.

The White House insider moved easily in his new found surroundings and was photographed in many shots sitting behind world leaders, at a lunch with Biden, Clapper, Brennan and then Italian Prime Minster Matteo Renzi. This is most unusual for a lowly analyst. One NSC staffer who knew him, and his anti-Trump views well said, he “slithered” all over the West Wing.

Ciaramella was unnoticed when the Mueller Report was released and referred to him on one page in a footnote, which was redacted but refers to General Kelly, Chief of Staff to Trump.

Working with National Security Council Russia and Eastern European Director, Fiona Hill, Ciaramella had direct access to all the principals and all the traffic, intelligence and reporting on the region. Strangely, after he was removed by the White House for leaking, he was called back by the new National Security Advisor, General H.R. McMaster, and named as his personal aide and assistant.

In the late summer of 2017, he abruptly and without any notice returned to the CIA. He is still there as a deputy national intelligence officer for Russia and Eurasia on the National Intelligence Council.

Ciaramella is called “Charlie” because he is prominently mentioned in emails and text messages between FBI agents and lovers, Peter Strzok and Lisa Page as “C”, where he appeared to be leaking them information related to General Michael Flynn and his alleged connection and conversations with the Russian ambassador.

“Charlie” it appears also shared and coordinated his story with two other former NSC staffers, Abagail Grace and Sean Misko. Both are now employed by Mr. Schiff and the Democrat side of the House Intelligence Committee.

Pure coincidence?

In the Viet Nam War (1954-1975) American soldiers referred to the Việt Cộng as Victor Charlie or V-C. “Victor” and “Charlie” are both letters in the NATO phonetic alphabet. “Charlie” referred to communist forces in general, both Việt Cộng and North Vietnamese.

“Charlie” was the adversary to the American effort across numerous administrations to stop communism in southeast Asia.

In the end we lost that war, thanks in large part to — “Charlie”.

Perhaps, there is a lesson in that earlier experience with “Charlie” that we need to relearn now.

The effort to discredit President Trump is both overt and covert. It involves publicity, using the notorious fake news media with its daily onslaught of misinformation. They are complicit.

The other track is propaganda to manipulate information for ulterior motives, such as that by Democrats in Congress. The key is infiltration and subversion to gather intelligence, obstruct legitimate actions and provide inside information so as to leak sensitive matters to undermine and destroy the President.

This is called political warfare.

The end is not just the delegitimation of Trump but the end vision of America First, which won the election.

The nullification process which started only hours after he was elected seeks not just that end but also a demoralization of our citizenry and their disenfranchisement.

Theodore Roosevelt Malloch is a scholar, diplomat, and strategist who was active in the Trump campaign in 2016. His soon to be released book) is Trump’s World: GEODEUS. Pre-order it here:


The post CODENAME “CHARLIE”: The So-Called Whistleblower appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.

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