
Green Teen Greta Thunberg Leads Climate Change Protest in North Carolina – Complains World Leaders Are ‘Ignoring Kids’ Who Know Best (VIDEO)

Greta Thunberg

Greta Thunberg is still in the US.

16-year-old Swedish green activist Greta Thunberg lectured people in North Carolina on Friday about the climate change hoax and griped about world leaders ignoring teenagers and children who participate in climate change protests.

Thunberg has a myriad of mental health issues. She is autistic, has obsessive-compulsive disorder, suffers from Asperger syndrome and selective mutism, but she knows what’s best for the world — just ask her.

Children and teenagers know what is best for this world so we must do as they say, according to Greta Thunberg.

“[The people in power] continue to ignore us [children] and to ignore the current best available science,” Thunberg said.

“I have not found much hope in politicians and corporations. It is the people who now are our biggest source of hope.”


Greta Thunberg appeared before the UN a couple months ago and held back tears as she angrily accused world leaders of ‘stealing her childhood.’

Thunberg also appeared before US lawmakers to lecture the US on the climate hoax.

Meanwhile China and India continue to be the world’s biggest polluters because Climate Change legislation isn’t about the environment, it’s about a global scheme to redistribute wealth.

Marxists always prey on the innocent and children.

The post Green Teen Greta Thunberg Leads Climate Change Protest in North Carolina – Complains World Leaders Are ‘Ignoring Kids’ Who Know Best (VIDEO) appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.

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