
Pelosi-Schiff Democrats BLOCK ALL FUNDING for US Border Wall — Pass Funding for Border Security in Jordan, Egypt, Lebanon and Assad’s Syria

These people REALLY HATE America.

The Pelosi-Schiff Democrats passed legislation this year to block ALL FUNDS to secure the US southern border with a border barrier system.
Mexico is a failed narco-state just south of the US border. Nine Americans, including six children were just slaughtered after leaving a wedding party south of the US border.

The Pelosi democrats specifically said in their legislation, “No funding is provided in the bill for new physical barriers along the southwest border.”

Democrats INSIST on having an open border with the failed narco-state of Mexico.

But Democrats did vote for funding of border security for Egypt, Jordan, Lebanon and Assad’s Syria.

According to Terrence Jeffrey at CNS News:

“Provided further,” says the bill, “That these funds may be used in such amounts as the Secretary of Defense may determine to enhance the border security of nations adjacent to conflict areas including Jordan, Lebanon, Egypt, and Tunisia resulting from actions of the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria.”

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