
Top Democrat Issues Warning – We’ll Lose Florida Again if Democrats Nominate Sanders or Warren

They know they’re in trouble.
Former Democratic Senator Bill Nelson told The Daily Beast this week that Democrats will lose Florida if Bernie Sanders or Liz Warren is the party’s nominee in 2020.

Old-school Democrats fret that Americans are not yet ready for a Socialist president again.
Meanwhile, President Trump is the most successful economic president since Reagan. More people are working and making better wages than anytime in history.

The last time we heard from Nelson he was trying to steal the Florida Senate race.
But Governor Rick Scott won.
FOX News reported:

Former Sen. Bill Nelson, D-Fla., warned Democrats with a prediction that President Trump will win Florida if his former colleagues Sen. Elizabeth Warren, D-Mass., or Sen. Bernie Sanders, I-Vt., become the party’s 2020 presidential nominee.

Nelson, who was defeated in the 2018 midterms by then-Gov. Rick Scott, was asked by The Daily Beast if his home state was out of the Democrats’ grasp if one of the leading progressive candidates became the standard-bearer for Democrats.

“The answer is yes,” Nelson told The Daily Beast. “I say this with the greatest respect and admiration and friendship for those other senators who embrace ‘Medicare-for-all.’ But the hard reality is, it is going to be a stretch too far for the Democrat candidate.”

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