
Portland Gallery Puts Graphic Depiction of President Trump Being Beheaded on Public Display

One Grand Gallery in Portland is facing online backlash after they put up an image of President Donald Trump being brutally assassinated in their store window.

The violent graphic is in public view where children will be exposed to it and features the caption “F*ck Trump” below the image of his throat being sliced.

The gallery is currently running an exhibit titled “F*ck You, Mr. President” which features art from roughly three dozen artists.

TONIGHT 7/13 @ 7pm!

Posted by ONE GRAND GALLERY on Friday, July 13, 2018

The controversial art currently on display in their window has prompted many outraged supporters of the President to call for people to report the gallery to the Secret Service. People have also flooded their Facebook page to leave poor reviews and scold them for their petulance. The gallery currently has a 1.4 star rating on the site.

I saw a painting in your store front window of our president getting his throat slashed. Is Kathy Griffin peddling her “art” here now?? Talk about a great way to ruin my lunch,” a woman named Laura C. commented on the gallery’s Yelp page. “Good luck with selling your hate speech art. I’m pretty sure the kind of people who appreciate it, can’t afford it. Gross!”

Other art on display inside the gallery includes a painting of the president with a Hitler mustache and missiles with penises on them.

The post Portland Gallery Puts Graphic Depiction of President Trump Being Beheaded on Public Display appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.

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