
Reps. Meadows, Jordan Ask IG Horowitz to Investigate if Rosenstein Threatened House Intel Members

Reps. Mark Meadows (R-NC) and Jim Jordan (R-OH) sent a letter to Inspector General Michael Horowitz Monday asking him to investigate Rosenstein’s alleged threats to Congressional staffers.

“This notion Mr. Rosenstein threatened to use his official investigative powers as Deputy Attorney General to retaliate against rank-and-file staff members for sending written oversight requests raises concerns he has abused his authority in the context of this investigation,” Meadows and Jordan said in a letter to Horowitz.

Last month it was revealed Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein threatened to subpoena emails, phone records and other documents of Republican lawmakers on the House Intel Committee back in January, confirming previous reports.

Of course the FBI and DOJ disputed the account and defended Rosenstein.

The swamp always protects their own.

A DOJ official told Fox News that Rosenstein “never threatened anyone in the room with a criminal investigation.” The official said the department and bureau officials in the room “are all quite clear that the characterization of events laid out here is false,” adding that Rosenstein was responding to a threat of contempt.

Rep Matt Gaetz (R-FL) previously said he saw first hand what Rosenstein’s threats did to Congressional staff members. They were left stunned and physically shaking in his office out of concern for their families.

Rod Rosenstein is the cancer of the Justice Department and must be removed.

Letter from Meadows and Jordan to IG Horowitz (Via Washington Examiner)

7.16.18 Letter From Meadows and Jordan to OIG Horowitz by Washington Examiner on Scribd

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