DISGUSTING: Anti-Trump RINO Lamar Alexander Joins Democrats in Opposing Trump Emergency Declaration on Border Security (VIDEO)

DISGUSTING: Anti-Trump RINO Lamar Alexander Joins Democrats in Opposing Trump Emergency Declaration on Border Security (VIDEO)

Trump-hating RINO Senator Lamar Alexander (R-TN) today slammed President Trump in opposing the president’s national emergency declaration.

Alexander may join fellow RINOs Lisa Murkowski, Thom Tillis and Susan Collins in opposing the National Emergency declaration on the southern border.

Earlier this month Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell made a deal with Republican President Trump.
McConnell promised to support the President’s emergency declaration on the southern border if President Trump would sign another bloated spending bill that included little to no money for a border barrier.

President Trump signed the bloated spending bill — got no money for a wall and little money for border barriers but now Republican Senators are balking on their promise to the Republican President.

They punked him.
Republicans are backing away from their latest promise to President Trump.

And Lamar Alexander joined fellow RINOs today to stand against this Republican president and the American people.

Via Lou Dobbs Tonight:

The post DISGUSTING: Anti-Trump RINO Lamar Alexander Joins Democrats in Opposing Trump Emergency Declaration on Border Security (VIDEO) appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.

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