
AOC’s Green New Deal Motto: Do as I Say, Not as I Do

It was not a good weekend for freshman Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-NY).

Not only did the superstar socialist get called a “pompous little twit” by Greenpeace co-founder Patrick Moore on Twitter, but the New York Post did some investigative digging and found that Ocasio-Cortez is – surprise – a Green New Deal hypocrite.

The details:

Since declaring her candidacy in May 2017, Ocasio-Cortez’s campaign heavily relied on those combustion-engine cars — even though a subway station was just 138 feet from her Elmhurst campaign office.

She listed 1,049 transactions for Uber, Lyft, Juno and other car services, federal filings show. The campaign had 505 Uber expenses alone.

In all, Ocasio-Cortez spent $29,365.70 on those emissions-spewing vehicles, along with car and van rentals — even though her Queens HQ was a one-minute walk to the 7 train.

The campaign shelled out only $8,335.41 on 52 MetroCard transactions.

“Everyone — top to bottom — used the MetroCards,” Ocasio-Cortez spokesman Corbin Trent told The Post.

By comparison, fellow freshman Rep. Max Rose — whose district is more than twice the size of AOC’s and, like hers, spans two boroughs — listed only 329 transactions for car services, totaling $6,091.29, campaign filings show.

In a follow-up story the next day, the Post noted that AOC jumped into a gas-guzzling minivan Sunday after a parade, even though she was just a few blocks from the subway:

Just hours after The Post exposed her penchant for riding in gas-guzzling private vehicles, US Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez made her getaway from a St. Patrick’s Day parade in Queens in a for-hire minivan Sunday.

The leading advocate for the proposed “Green New Deal” was less than four blocks from a Queens subway station when she hopped into a white Chrysler Town & Country with livery plates around 1:20 p.m.

The 2016 model of the since-discontinued vehicle gets an average of just 17 mpg in the city, according to the US Department of Energy.

Beyond her obvious hypocrisy, an amusing sidenote to this is how that, in the tweets she fired off in response to this story, she really had no rational defense. So she mocked the story instead.

“I will have you know my tía was very upset that the ny post insulted her minivan 😂 If they saw how many goldfish snacks were in this thing they’d say I was killing the ocean too”, she said in one tweet.

In other, she said: “The Post put the fact that I get into cars (while proposing a plan to invest in better car technology) on their front page 😂 Pack it up folks, the Pulitzer’s been decided. No one can rival this kind of hard-hitting journalism.”

Someone alert the media. Rep. Ocasio-Cortez is … attacking the media!

The most hilarious response from her was this one, in which she asserted that she was just “living in the world”, which is what prompted Moore’s blistering tweets back to her.

It’s not the first time Moore has taken off after her, either:

Ocasio-Cortez joins other high-profile “green energy” proponents like former veep Al “The Goracle” Gore and disgraced former Sen. John Edwards (NC) in the enviro-hypocrisy sweepstakes.

I encourage AOC to continue going down this route. She’s doing a better job of turning people off of her radical ideas than anyone else is at this point.

Sister Toldjah is a former liberal and a 15+ year veteran of blogging with an emphasis on media bias, social issues, and the culture wars. Read her Red State archives here. Connect with her on Twitter.–

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