
Christian University Dean Resigns Over School Stance Against Chick Fil-A’s Traditional Values



It’s incredible how averse some on the social Left are to delicious chicken.

A few months ago, at Rider University in New Jersey, students cast their vote to Eat Mor Chikin on campus. However, the private school’s administration overrode the masses and 86’d the idea, due to Chick fil-A’s Christian values. Specifically, the school said, the delicious fast food chain represented “opposition to the LGBTQ+ community.” Therefore, it wouldn’t be allowed as the college’s new vendor.

I covered the incident in November, and I highly encourage you to read the backstory, courtesy of that article — “The Regression of Progress” (here).

Did you read it?

Okay, here we go:

As reported by Campus Reform, Cynthia Newman — Rider’s dean of the College of Business — took the waffle fry whacking to heart:

“I felt like I had been punched in the stomach when I read that statement. I’m a very committed Christian and Chick-fil-A’s values — their corporate purpose statement is to glorify God and to be faithful stewards of all that’s entrusted to them and to have a positive influence on everyone who comes into contact with them — and I would say that that mirrors my personal beliefs perfectly. And so I really felt it very personally.”

Then Cynthia did something many wouldn’t have done: She contacted school officials and asked them to issue an apology.

Here’s a shocker: they didn’t.

Rather, Rider sent out a campus-wide email affirming the ban and preaching inclusion.

Does anyone among the Left have a dictionary (here, here, and here)??

The school wrote, in part:

The university’s mission seeks to prepare “responsible citizens who embrace diversity, support the common good, and contribute meaningfully to the changing world in which they live and work.”

After much soul-searching, on Valentine’s Day, Cynthia resigned — she couldn’t stand by the school:

“I could not, in good conscience, as a committed Christian, adhere to those talking points. I am not willing to compromise my faith and Christian values and I will not be viewed as being in any way complicit when an affront is made to those values.”

She’ll return to the school next fall, but only as a Professor of Marketing, where she’ll “be able to continue to contribute to the future success of the College of Business Administration and University while advocating for a campus community where truly, as our Statement of Community Values says, ‘we celebrate our differences’ and ‘respect our common pursuit for understanding.'”

Do you think Cynthia did the right thing? At what point do you bail from an organization that stands against your values, versus staying and fighting to turn the tide? I look forwarding to hearing from you in the Comments section.

And most importantly: Don’t dare forget to watch the video below.



Relevant RedState links in this article: herehere, here, and here.

See 3 more pieces from me: Jared Polis & political extortion, Hillary Clinton & due process, and Mark Wahlberg & prayer.

Find all my RedState work here.

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