
CODE RED: UCP Released the Number of Illegal Immigrant Border Arrests Since October, & It’s Shocking



On Tuesday, the U.S. Customs and Border Protection revealed alarming statistics regarding the number of illegal immigrants recently arrested while trying to sneak into the country.

According to Border Patrol Chief of Operations Brian Hastings, Last month’s tally for apprehensions came in at over 66,000.

Since October, there’ve been over 268,000 arrests.

Compared to the same period during the last fiscal year, that’s a 97% increase.

Another difference between the current number of arrests and years past is the origin of the lawbreakers. Once comprised primarily of Mexicans, the group’s now populated mostly by the “northern triangle”: Honduras, Guatemala, and El Salvador.

Migrant caravan, anyone?

“Historically the U.S. Border Patrol has arrested 70 to 90% Mexican nationals; we could apply a consequence to that demographic; we could return them quickly to Mexico. Today 70% of all those we are arresting are from the northern triangle: Guatemala, El Salvador, and Honduras. October 2018 marked the first time in our history that family units exceeded single adult apprehensions, and in February of 2019 family units and unaccompanied children accounted for 65% of all Border Patrol apprehensions.”

Brian said until the U.S. does some plumbing, the faucet will continue to flow, Jack:

“[W]ithout being able to deliver a consequence to these individuals for illegally crossing our borders, the Border Patrol has no reason to expect that this trend will decrease; in fact, we believe it will increase. It’s well known at this time that adults with children will not be detained during the immigration proceedings for illegal entry; the word of mouth in social media quickly gets back to those in the northern triangle countries that if you bring a child, you will be successful. From April 2018 through February 2019, we’ve had almost 2,400 fraudulent claims of families. Of those fraudulent claims, some are folks who have claimed they are under 18 and they’re not; others have actually been fraudulent familial claims.”

U.S. Customs and Border Protection Commissioner Kevin McAleenan added that we’re in a Code Red situation:

“It should be very clear from these numbers that we are facing alarming trends in the rising volume of people illegally crossing our southwest border or arriving at our ports of entry without documents. This increased flow presents, currently at our highest level in over a decade, both a border security and humanitarian crisis.”

He also had a thing or two to say about human traffickers profiting from the surge:

“Every single day, smugglers and traffickers profit from human misery, exploiting people who are seeking a better life. Through human smuggling, transnational criminal organizations have established a new multi-billion dollar line of business. The situation is not safe for migrants; it challenges our ability to provide humanitarian care; it contributes to dangerous conditions on our border, and enables smuggling while enriching criminals. Regardless of anyone’s preferred policy outcome, the status quo is unacceptable. It presents an urgent and increasing crisis that needs to be addressed.”

Donald Trump is trying. But the government shutdown, about which Trump had settled in for “a very long” one, didn’t turn out nearly as victorious as it might’ve been. At least, that’s as per Ann Coulter.

Still, there’s $8 billion lying around (here), and Ted Cruz’s lookin’ at $14 (here).

And if that doesn’t work, we’ve got this 7-year-old selling hot chocolate. Then again, we probably shouldn’t look to him for salvation — not because he can’t bring in the dough, but because the little tyke is Hitler (here).

And, of course, so is Donald Trump (here).

Until we can get somebody in there who isn’t part of the thousand-year reich, plan on another $66,000.

Thanks, Democrats (here) — way to go, goobs.

Watch the video below.



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