
Developing: Corrupt DOJ Attorney Bruce Ohr Caught in Major Lie Protecting His CIA Wife Nellie

Guest post by Joe Hoft

Bruce Ohr, the corrupt US attorney at the top of the Department of Justice, was caught lying in his testimony to Congress.  He consistently denied that he knew what his wife Nellie was up to related to the Russia witchhunt.  This was a lie!

In December 2017 the head of opposition research firm Fusion GPS admitted in a court filing that his firm paid Nellie Ohr, the wife of senior Justice Department official Bruce Ohr, to help dig up damaging information on then-candidate Donald Trump.

The connections between Nellie Ohr and the ‘Spygate’ scandal were hidden at a distance for months.

As noted previously at TGP, Nellie Ohr is a Communist sympathizer connected to Russia as well as a corrupt Never-Trumper.

Author Diana West at the American Spectator posted an article on Nellie Ohr last year.  Nellie Ohr is “the “dossier” spying scandal’s woman in the middle.”

To one side of Ohr, there is the Fusion GPS team, including fellow contractor Christopher Steele. To the other, there is husband Bruce Ohr, who, until his “dossier”-related demotion, was No. 4 man at the Department of Justice, and a key contact there for Steele.

What’s more revealing about Nellie Ohr is the men in her life are protecting her involvement in the Russia scandal:

Notably, the “dossier” men in her life have tried to shield Ohr from public scrutiny, even at professional risk. Her husband, as the Daily Caller News Foundation reports, failed to disclose his wife’s employment with Fusion GPS and seek the appropriate conflict-of-interest waiver, which may have been an important factor in his demotion from associate deputy attorney general late last year.

Under Senate and House questioning, Fusion GPS co-founder Glenn Simpson consistently failed to disclose Nellie Ohr’s existence as one of his firm’s paid Russian experts, let alone that he hired her for the red-hot DNC/Clinton campaign Trump-Russia project.

Even Christopher Steele may have tried to keep Nellie Ohr “under cover.” Steele, put forth as the “dossier” author ever since its January 2017 publication in BuzzFeed, does not appear to have let on to his many media and political contacts that he had “dossier”-assistance from at least two fellow Fusion GPS Russian experts, Nellie Ohr and Edward Baumgartner. Baumgartner, interestingly, was a Russian history major at Vassar in the 1990s when Nellie Ohr taught Russian history there.

It appears that the men in Nellie’s life did all they could to prevent Nellie Ohr from being outed for being involved in the dossier because she also has links to the CIA and therefore to John Brennan.

Last week TGP reported that new evidence suggests Nellie Ohr was working for the CIA and Fusion GPS when she passed on the junk Trump-Russia dossier and information on the Trump Children to the DOJ-FBI.

Now this…

In Bruce Ohr’s testimony in front of Congress that was released to the public last week by US Representative Doug Collins (R-GA) Ohr claimed throughout his transcript that he was never involved with his wife’s dealings with Fusion GPS and really didn’t know anything about what was going on.

This was a lie. 

Ohr contradicted his testimony in one sentence during his interview –

There’s no way Ohr could share an email address with his wife and not know what she was up to. 

If Nellie is tied to the CIA then she is tied to former Obama CIA Head John Brennan which would implicate by association, his boss, former President Obama.

It now appears likely that communist sympathizer Nellie Ohr, and the men who surrounded her, her husband, business partners, John Brennan, and by association President Obama, were all connected.  These people lied to prevent her from being identified as a CIA spy.  She and all the men in her life attempted to prevent Candidate Trump from being elected and later to remove duly elected President Trump from office. 

Hat tip D. Manny

The post Developing: Corrupt DOJ Attorney Bruce Ohr Caught in Major Lie Protecting His CIA Wife Nellie appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.

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