
Gillette Now Using US Troops to Win Back Customers In Lazy, Awkward Commercial

Screenshot: YouTube

The razor company, Gillette, really goofed with their Super Bowl ad that, as previously reported by RedState, was a mess of anti-male propaganda that was created by a production studio run by radical feminists, and known for creating insulting ads toward men.

The backlash against the commercial was pretty intense, with the YouTube video garnering 1.7 million dislikes and a comments section that was hot with anger.

The ad even caused one watch company to fire back and talk about how important men are, and just how society looks down on them.

Now, Gillette is suddenly changing its tune, but it doesn’t seem to be issuing any apologies.

It’s latest ad has not cut all the references to toxic masculinity, and is now focusing on military heroes. The commercial, titled “Every Hero Sweats” follows a military man as he tries to get a job, raise kids, and be in the military. The commercial is rather somber and drags on for much longer than it really should. Nothing of substance really happens in the commercial, making you wonder what kind of message it is trying to get across.

It almost seems as if Gillette was purposely trying to leave the message broad so one can draw their own conclusions.

The first thing you’ll notice outside of the video itself is that Gillette has disabled the comments on the video, and you can’t see what the like to dislike ratio is on the video either. It’s likely that the anger against Gillette is still fierce, and it’d rather not display it.

Overall, this video seems more like a lazy attempt to walk back their previous message without actively saying that’s what’s happening. They imagine that they can win men back by displaying a military man looking like he’s coming straight from a Backstreet Boys video shoot and getting a job, having kids, and being a soldier.

If the message is that men are actually important, then it’s not said. If it’s that soldiers are just like everyday men, they’re mum on it. It’s good they called a military man a hero, but beyond that, I’m not sure what the point here is.

It feels more like they’re using the visage of our soldiers and calling them heroes in a cheap attempt to win back customers. This seems like it’s trying too hard while not trying hard enough. Personally, it makes me not want to buy their product even more.

As far as I’m concerned, Gillette should fire their ad agency, apologize for their last insulting ad, and really start trying to win back men in earnest.

The post Gillette Now Using US Troops to Win Back Customers In Lazy, Awkward Commercial appeared first on RedState.

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