
Gimme More, Gimme More, Gimme Moron: Unable to Comprehend His Job, Acosta Debates Sanders on Dems



Jim Acosta is a negative word that I’m trying not to use.

I’m trying.

I label him less than good because he doesn’t understand what a reporter is (here, here, here, here, and here).

Reporters relay facts; Jim is a politician. A lobbyist. A pundit. A propagandist.

He has the absolute right to be all of those things; but one cannot be any of those things and still be a reporter.

If you can discern a reporter’s political leanings, they have ceased to perform their most fundamental duty.

Jim has ceased like it’s goin’ outta style, Jack!

Being that he stinks, on Monday he told Sarah Huckabee Sanders that the Democratic Party isn’t anti-Semitic.

Note to Jim: A reporter doesn’t tell Republicans what Democrats are like.

Jim was, at least in part, politicking/lobbying/punditing/propagating in response to President Trump’s comments last week about Rep. Ilhan Omar’s anti-Israel statements:

“I thought yesterday’s vote by the House was disgraceful, because it’s become, the Democrats have become an anti-Israel party. They’ve become an anti-Jewish party. And I thought that vote was a disgrace and so does everybody else if you get an honest answer. If you get an honest answer from politicians, they thought it was a disgrace. The Democrats have become an anti-Israel party; they’ve become an anti-Jewish party, and that’s too bad.”

Jim, not being a reporter, wanted to let Sarah know that’s “beneath” everyone:

“Isn’t that kind of rhetoric just sort of beneath everybody? Do you think that the president has thought, at all, going into the 2020 campaign that the rhetoric just needs to be lowered? Whether it’s talking about Democrats, the media, immigrants, or should we just plan on hearing the president use the same kind of language that we heard in 2016 and all through the first couple years of this administration?”

Isn’t that entire paragraph “beneath” someone hired to be a reporter?

Sarah shot down the left-wing activist, with a preface to the following comment best experienced in the video at the bottom of this article:

“Democrats have had a number of opportunities to condemn specific comments and have refused to do that. I think that is a great shame. The President has been clear on what his position is, certainly what his support is for the people and the community of Israel.”

Then there was more Democratic debate from unelected politician Acosta:

“Democrats don’t hate Jewish people, that’s just silly. It’s not true.”

It’s silly to call yourself a reporter and ever utter the above sentence to a politician. That makes you not unlike a moron.

DANG IT. I couldn’t make it through.


Watch the exchange below. Sarah tries to move on, and Jim won’t stop moroning.



Relevant RedState links in this article: here, here, here, here, and here.

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