
Illegal Immigrant and Gang Member with Lengthy Criminal Record Arrested in Brutal Murder of Bambi Larson (VIDEO)

Illegal immigrant Carlos Eduardo Arevalo Carranza was arrested in the brutal murder of Bambi Larson this week.

Arevello is in the United States illegally and has a lengthy criminal record.

Carlos Eduardo Arevalo Carranza “stalked” Larson’s neighborhood before allegedly killing her with a knife and blunt force trauma.

Police Chief Eddie Garcia was critical of the sanctuary policies that allowed this criminal to be released back on the streets.
ICE placed detainers on Arevalo six different times.

CBS Local reported:

A transient arrested in the murder of Bambi Larson was in the United States illegally and had a lengthy history of arrests in the South Bay and Los Angeles, authorities said Tuesday.

San Jose Police Chief Eddie Garcia said Carlos Eduardo Arevalo Carranza “stalked” Larson’s neighborhood before allegedly killing her with a knife and blunt force trauma…

…Garcia then detailed his lengthy criminal record.

“His criminal history convictions consist of in Feb. 2013 he was detained by the Department of Homeland Security at the border near McAllen, Texas, and deported.”

“In 2015, he was arrested for drug paraphernalia. In 2015 he was convicted of burglary in San Jose. In 2016, battery of an officer, resisting arrest and entering a property. In 2016, he was arrested for battery in Los Angeles. In 2017, he was arrested and convicted of false imprisonment in San Jose. On April of 2018, arrested for paraphernalia again. In May, he was arrested for possession of methamphetamine.”

“In August of 2018, he was arrested for prowling. On October 2018, he was arrested for false identification and paraphernalia once again.”

Garcia said Carranza was currently on probation for the possession of methamphetamine, paraphernalia, false imprisonment and burglary.

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