
Julian Castro sure Sounds like he’s Calling Bernie Sanders a Racist over Reparations

In a surprising twist, Bernie Sanders has decided to not tow the line on monetary reparations for the descendants of slavery. As a result, he’s now earning the ire of some of his fellow liberals who view his decision as an affront to their inter-sectional ideology. I recently did a full write-up on the issue that you should check out here.

The latest to criticize Sen. Sanders stance that more money isn’t the answer is former San Antonio Mayor Julian Castro, no doubt desperately trying to garner some attention for his doomed Presidential run. Politico reported his comments yesterday.

…“What [Sanders] said on ‘The View,’ I think, the other day was that he didn’t think the best way to address this was for the United States to write a check,” Castro said on CNN’S “State of the Union” on Sunday morning. “To my mind, that may or may not be the best way to address it.”

Castro has said that, if elected, he would create a commission or task force to look into all possible ways to provide reparations and determine the best course of action.

Yeah, I’m sure another government commission will solve this. Castro didn’t stop there with his sniping though, as he decided to punch Sanders where it really hurts.

“It’s interesting to me that, when it comes to ‘Medicare for All,’ health care, the response there has been, ‘We need to write a big check,’” Castro said of Sanders. “When it comes to tuition-free or debt-free college, the answer has been, ‘We need to write a big check.’”

“And so, if the issue is compensating the descendants of slaves, I don’t think the argument about writing a big check ought to be the argument that you make, if you’re making an argument that a big check needs to be written for a whole bunch of other stuff,” Castro said.

Is it just me or does that sounds a lot like he’s calling Sanders a racist? His “I find it interesting” argument that Sanders has never cared about money before but now suddenly cares about it over an issue related to African-Americans sure sounds like he’s calling him a racist. Castro goes on to say that there’s a Constitutional demand for reparations under the guise of compensation for property. That doesn’t hold water for a lot of reasons and feels like a rushed attempt to one-up his competitors.

Some might be tempted to feel bad for Sanders here, as this is a pretty underhanded attack by Castro. I have little sympathy though. This is the inter-sectional madness that he’s embraced and this is the fruit it brings. He should brace himself, because Castro’s comments aren’t going to be the end of this. I fully expect Kamala Harris to go hard at Sanders on this topic.

Enjoy the ride because the 2020 Democratic primary is going to be lit.


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