
Sarsour: Pelosi is “Doing the Dirty Work of Powerful White Men” in Condemning Anti-Semitism

When it comes to the Democratic party condemning anti-Semitism within their ranks, Women’s March co-chair Linda Sarsour is having none of it.

In a blistering Facebook post in which she urged readers to stand with embattled Rep. Ilhan Omar (D-MI), Sarsour slammed House Leader Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) for “playing into the hands of the right”:

This is why we wanted Congresswoman Barbara Lee to be the Speaker of the House and “progressives” were like nah, Pelosi is a leader and omg you should see how she claps. What a clap!

Nancy is a typical white feminist upholding the patriarchy doing the dirty work of powerful white men. God forbid the men are upset – no worries, Nancy to the rescue to stroke their egos.

For years, when members of Congress have spewed blatant anti-Muslim racism, islamophobia, propaganda against Muslims and even held racist hearings with our tax payer dollars, Democratic leadership were never swift to condemn said members or put out resolutions condemning islamophobia and/or standing in solidarity with Muslims on the record in Congress.

Democrats are playing in to the hands of the right. Dividing our base and reinforcing their narrative and giving them an easier path towards 2020.

I reject this. I will speak out. I won’t be silent. I am not following this. They don’t speak for me as a Democrat. No more double standards.

You want a resolution? Condemn all forms of bigotry. All forms of bigotry are unacceptable. We won’t let them pin us up against each other. We stand with Representative Ilhan Omar. Our top priority is the safety of our sister and her family.

This is why we wanted Congresswoman Barbara Lee to be the Speaker of the House and “progressives” were like nah, Pelosi…

Posted by Linda Sarsour on Monday, March 4, 2019

Sarsour’s post comes in response to the House leadership’s latest attempt at quelling anti-Semitism among Democratic party members of Congress:

The House will vote Wednesday on a resolution condemning anti-Semitism in response to freshman Rep. Ilhan Omar’s (D-Minn.) latest controversial comments about the U.S.-Israel relationship, a
senior Democratic aide said Monday.


A copy of the resolution’s text obtained by The Hill does not specifically cite Omar’s latest comments.

It does state that “accusations of dual loyalty generally have an insidious, bigoted history,” and declares that the House “acknowledges the dangerous consequences of perpetuating anti-Semitic stereotypes” and “rejects anti-Semitism as hateful expressions of intolerance that are contradictory to the values that define the people of the United States.”

The resolution further notes that the history of dual loyalty accusations includes the internment of Japanese-Americans in World War II and “the post-9/11 conditions faced by Muslim-Americans in the United States, including unfounded, vicious attacks on and threats to Muslim-American members of Congress.”

This isn’t the first time Linda Sarsour has rushed to defend Omar. It’s also not the first time Sarsour has condemned others for opposing anti-Semitism.

If you’ve gotten the impression that Sarsour is an anti-Semite, you’d be right. In fact, her anti-Semitism is so bad that the founder of the Women’s March movement asked her and two others to step down in November from their positions in the group over this issue due to the embarrassment and concern it was causing others in the movement.

The Daily Caller also notes:

An investigation published by Tablet Magazine in December revealed Women’s March leaders repeatedly made anti-Semitic remarks, including spreading conspiracy theories about Jews being responsible for the slave trade.

The investigation also found that Women’s March used Nation of Islam members for their security.

In coming to the aid of Omar, Sarsour is standing beside someone who has similarly disturbing views about Israel and Jewish people.

Not exactly a surprise, and not helpful at all for the efforts of Pelosi, and other House leaders who just want this problem to go away before it starts tainting other Democratic members of Congress who will be up for re-election next year.

Sister Toldjah is a former liberal and a 15+ year veteran of blogging with an emphasis on media bias, social issues, and the culture wars. Read her Red State archives here. Connect with her on Twitter.–

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