
The Fantastic Hubris of AOC, She’s Willing to Consider Amazon Coming Back to NYC If Process Is Done With Community Input

Looks like AOC must have received some blowback from constituents over her successful campaign to keep Amazon out of New York City. Perhaps realizing that her ignorance cost the city more than 25,000 new jobs as well as billions of dollars in new tax revenue, her chief of staff Saikrat Chakrabarti appeared on Bloomberg News to explain her opposition to the project.

He said:

We welcome a process, we welcome having a community process, but I don’t know where the talks are at at this stage. What she was vocal about was the process by which it happened, the deal. Amazon is the company that chose to step away from the negotiating table.

What she was vocal about was the process by which it happened.

Oh, so it was the process she objected to. If only the Governor had included the community in the negotiations.

Actually, at the time, she offered other reasons for resisting the move.

She said that Amazon would not make a “good or healthy neighbor for NYC.”

She wanted to fact check where the 25,000 number came from.

But, the most embarrassing part of her argument was that NYC shouldn’t be handing over $3 billion to the “richest man in the world.” She had no idea the $3 billion dollars was to be a tax break because the company would be generating $28 billion in tax revenues. She believed if the Amazon deal fell through, the city could simply spend the money to hire more teachers or to improve the subways.

It is mindboggling that this woman, who has been in office for only two months, has become so influential. The silver lining is that she must make Nancy Pelosi crazy!

The post The Fantastic Hubris of AOC, She’s Willing to Consider Amazon Coming Back to NYC If Process Is Done With Community Input appeared first on RedState.

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