
Twitter Ramps Up Censorship on The Gateway Pundit Tweets — And We Have Proof

Since the 2016 election the American left will no longer allow the open exchange of ideas.

Small independent publishers were largely responsible for Trump’s election victory.
The Democrats know this.

So they colluded with social media and eliminated several “threats.”

The Gateway Pundit has repeatedly reported on the censorship and silencing of conservative publishers by the tech giants.

The Gateway Pundit’s Jim Hoft spoke to Congress about this stifling of free speech by the tech giants.

Facebook has wiped out conservative content to American subscribers.

This influence map below by Columbia Journalism Review shows the top influencers during the 2016 election.

And here is that same map showing the conservative publishers who have been targeted by Facebook since 2017.

Facebook has eliminated content from the vast majority of top conservative publishers since 2017.

And it’s not just Facebook.
Recently activity on the Gateway Pundit Twitter account suddenly flatlined.

Tweets that would normally get hundreds and thousands of retweets and likes are suddenly hidden from public view with only a couple dozen retweets.

Our traffic on Twitter has flatlined.
You can actually see it in our analytics.

The Democrats and social media giants are afraid of ideas.
They will no longer allow open dialogue online.

And, of course, the GOP Pretend Party does nothing.

We are living in dangerous times.

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