
U of Wyoming Refuses to Bow to Outrage Mob (VIDEO)

The University of Wyoming wants to celebrate “hard work, self-reliance, and integrity” so they created a new marketing campaign that celebrated those things- “the world needs more cowboys.” Considering the mascot for the University of Wyoming is the cowboys, this has a double meaning that makes perfect sense.

Here’s one of the original ads:

Of course, some people took offense, because that’s what academia does. The University didn’t back down, and it’s paying off.

The Wall Street Journal reported royalties were up $38,000 as the school licensed almost 150 new products with the popular slogan, according to Campus Reform. The ad is also working for recruiting new students. 18,000 people who viewed the video gave their information to college recruiters and spokesman Chad Baldwin says “it’s pretty clear there’s been an increase in interest” although enrollment numbers aren’t out yet.

Campus Reform Correspondent and UW student Jessie Leach joined Fox & Friends Tuesday morning to discuss it further.

Wyoming Republican Representative Liz Cheney also supports the university. S “The world does need more Cowboys,” Cheney told The Daily Caller News Foundation. “Cowboys and cowgirls embody the no-nonsense, never-back-down grit at the heart of our Wyoming heritage.”

With outrage culture replacing academics and real-life skills on college campuses, is it any wonder people are excited about a message of “cowboy up?”

Thank goodness there’s somebody left who won’t bow to the outrage mob. There’s a reason their motto is “bucking the system since 1886.”

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