
WATCH: Gov. Inslee Seems to Suffer From Guilt Over His Straight White Male Status

Gov. Jay Inslee

Gov. Jay Inslee (D-WA). Screen grab via The Free Beacon.

On Sunday, CNN‘s Jake Tapper interviewed Washington state’s governor Jay Inslee (D) about various issues including his opinions on policy proposals from some of the other candidates.

Inslee, who declared his candidacy earlier this month, talked up what he says his state has done to address climate change and how with his new “working Democratic majority” the state will be able to do more.

But when the subject came to the last question, he seemed a little… contrite.

Here’s how it went down:

TAPPER: You’re joining the most diverse Democratic presidential field in history. Our new CNN/”Des Moines Register” poll shows that only 38 percent of likely Democratic caucus-goers in Iowa say they would be satisfied with a straight white male nominee.

So, why are you, as a straight white male, the right person to lead the Democratic Party, if there’s so much skepticism from Democrats in Iowa?

INSLEE: I think that I have evinced humility about being a straight white male that I have never experienced discrimination like so many do.

Watch the full answer below, via The Hill:

We are living in very strange times when people are polled on what race/sexuality/gender they prefer their political candidates to be. It’s even more bizarre when a candidate who doesn’t fit the seemingly desired mold has to show humility over it. Isn’t this a bit racisty/sexisty?

If overall polling is taken to account in all of this, it’s that most Democratic voters are saying they prefer two straight white males over the rest of the pack: former veep Joe Biden (who is rumored to be declaring soon), and Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-VT), who declared last month.

Personally, I’m a little miffed that there are no transgender women candidates. It’d be quite entertaining (and revealing) to see white male Democrats who identify as women tell other women (including the others who are on stage) during the debates what they can and cannot say.

Sister Toldjah is a former liberal and a 15+ year veteran of blogging with an emphasis on media bias, social issues, and the culture wars. Read her Red State archives here. Connect with her on Twitter.–

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