
WATCH: Humble Joe Biden Tells Crowd He Helped A Homeless Woman, But Insists “It’s Not About Me”

With Joe Biden officially/unofficially now in the 2020 presidential race, we can look forward to an endless supply of gaffes and lofty political rhetoric that will unintentionally make you laugh.

This past weekend was no exception.

Biden was at a Delaware Democrats fundraising shindig on Saturday night where he accidentally admitted he was running for president. The Washington Post also provided a recap of some of Biden’s other remarks:

The former vice president offered a few hints of what a 2020 campaign could focus on, telling the crowd it was “gonna hear a lot” from him about a “new corporate ethic” focused on workers’ prosperity, and attacking the health-care cuts in the Trump administration’s proposed budget, released this week.

But Biden also continued his running argument with the Democratic Party’s “new left,” returning several times to the idea that politics had been broken by people who refuse to seek consensus. He referred to Delaware’s election tradition of “returns day,” where victorious and defeated candidates literally bury a hatchet together and ride in a parade, as an example of the way politics should be.

“We don’t demonize our opponents,” he said. “We don’t belittle them. We don’t treat the opposition as the enemy. We might even say a nice word about a Republican if they do something good.”

This was in response to the oft-repeated criticism from Democratic operatives that he is “too nice” to Republicans.

Playboy‘s Washington correspondent Alex Thomas covered the speech, and tweeted out something else Biden said during the dinner that got people chuckling:

Joe Biden says that he stopped his driver on the way to tonight’s state Democratic dinner to give a homeless woman “whatever was in my pocket” — stops sparking applause by saying “no, no, no, it’s not about me.”

Watch the short video segment below where Biden made these remarks:

After saying it was “not about” him, he went on to say that his moment with the homeless woman showed “who we are as Democrats.”

Meaning it was about him.

I’ve got a lot of issues with Biden, but I don’t doubt his sincerity when it comes to caring for the homeless. About a year ago a man took a photo of an unsuspecting Biden helping a homeless person in Washington, DC and it went viral:

Joe Biden took his granddaughter to the movies in Georgetown last night…..on his way out he stopped to speak w/ a…

Posted by Paul Equale on Friday, March 9, 2018

People selflessly helping the homeless is a good thing. But unlike Biden, most people don’t openly brag about it. To top it all off, he did it on the night he mistakenly announced his presidential run.

Prepare for more unintentional humor and phony humility from the former veep in the months to come.

RELATED: Trump Might Have Just Come Up With Biden’s New Nickname

Sister Toldjah is a former liberal and a 15+ year veteran of blogging with an emphasis on media bias, social issues, and the culture wars. Read her Red State archives here. Connect with her on Twitter.–

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