
Welcome To Our World! Facebook Censors Elizabeth Warren, Removes Her Campaign Ads to Break Up Facebook

Senator Elizabeth Warren spoke out this weekend about breaking up the tech giant monopolies like Amazon, Facebook and Google.

This is an idea most Americans can support.
This is also an idea that the GOP should have pushed for months and months ago.

The Gateway Pundit has repeatedly reported on the censorship and silencing of conservative publishers by the tech giants.

The Gateway Pundit’s Jim Hoft spoke to Congress about this stifling of free speech by the tech giants.

Facebook has wiped out conservative content to American subscribers.

This influence map below by Columbia Journalism Review shows the top influencers during the 2016 election.

And here is that same map showing the conservative publishers who have been targeted by Facebook since 2017.

Facebook has eliminated content from the vast majority of top conservative publishers since 2017.

On Monday Facebook removed several Elizabeth Warren ads calling for the break up of Facebook and the tech giants.
Welcome to our world, Elizabeth!

Politico reported:

Facebook has removed several ads placed by Sen. Elizabeth Warren’s presidential campaign that called for the breakup of Facebook and other tech giants.

The ads, which had identical images and text, touted Warren’s recently announced plan to unwind “anti-competitive” tech mergers, including Facebook’s acquisition of WhatsApp and Instagram.

“Three companies have vast power over our economy and our democracy. Facebook, Amazon, and Google,” read the ads, which Warren’s campaign had placed Friday. “We all use them. But in their rise to power, they’ve bulldozed competition, used our private information for profit, and tilted the playing field in their favor.”

A message on the three ads reads: “This ad was taken down because it goes against Facebook’s advertising policies.”

A Facebook spokesperson confirmed the ads had been taken down and said the company is reviewing the matter. The person said, according to an initial review, that the removal could be linked to the company’s policies about using Facebook’s brand in posts.

The post Welcome To Our World! Facebook Censors Elizabeth Warren, Removes Her Campaign Ads to Break Up Facebook appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.

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