
You Know Who Hates People Who Cheat To Get In To College? Elizabeth Warren

Sen. Elizabeth Warren, D-Mass., winks as she jokes with other senators on the Senate Banking Committee ahead of a hearing on the nomination of Marvin Goodfriend to be a member of the Federal Reserve Board of Governors, Tuesday, Jan. 23, 2018, on Capitol Hill in Washington. (AP Photo/Jacquelyn Martin)

Yesterday’s top news item, that dozens of parents – including two Hollywood actresses – lied and cheated to get their kids into top colleges, is still getting talked about today. To be fair, it should be, as the corrupt admissions process should be exposed for all to see.

However, there is one person I figured would avoid any questions about it. One 2020 hopeful who needed to stay away from the subject of lying or cheating to get into a college or university.

“Surely,” thought I (perhaps a bit naively), “she wouldn’t speak on this issue. She can’t possibly think it would go over well.”

Well, my friends, MSNBC morning host and hero of the republic Mika Brzezinski interviewed Elizabeth Warren and actually asked her about it.

Elizabeth Warren has no sympathy for people who cheated to get their kids into college. Specifically, she said she has “zero” sympathy. For those of you keeping track at home, that’s less than 1/1064 of 1 percent.

I suppose it can be argued that in that particular setting, you just roll with it and ignore the past sins. But, it’s not like she didn’t know this was coming. I am pretty confident that Morning Joe’s producers sent a list of topics they’d want to talk to the Senator about. Surely the campaign could’ve said “Maybe don’t bring this up?” It’s not like MSNBC is enemy territory for the Warren campaign.

You simply can’t talk about this cheating scandal though when this is your legacy and you took a genetic test to confirm you were only 1/1064th Native American:

Harvard Law School officials listed Warren as one of several minority hires in 1996.

“Of 71 current Law School professors and assistant professors, 11 are women, five are black, one is Native American and one is Hispanic,” then-Law School spokesman Mike Chmura told the Harvard Crimson in a 1996 article.

Chmura later told the publication that Warren was the first woman with a minority background to be tenured at HLS.

Harvard University officials have maintained an stony silence when asked about the administration’s decision to promote Warren as a minority hire. A university spokeswoman didn’t respond to additional questions about the issue yesterday.

Harvard wasn’t the only university facing pressure to hire minority faculty. The University of Pennsylvania also reported Warren as a minority hire when she taught there.

God, I love this presidential cycle.

The post You Know Who Hates People Who Cheat To Get In To College? Elizabeth Warren appeared first on RedState.

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