
Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez Erupts After Called Out by Kellyanne Conway for Ignoring Easter Massacre of Christians in Sri Lanka

Queen of social media Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-NY) erupted in fury at White House senior advisor Kellyanne Conway on Sunday after being called out for not commenting on the Easter attack by ISIS that killed hundreds of Christians in Sri Lanka last weekend. Ocasio-Cortez’s excuse is that she was “away from tech” while visiting her grandmother in Puerto Rico last weekend.

Conway blew that excuse out of the water noting Ocasio-Cortez tweeted promotions of a movie about her 2018 Congressional campaign the day after the attack.

Screen image via Newsweek, Twitter.

Conway mentioned Ocasio-Cortez in comments to Jake Tapper on CNN Sunday morning. CNN political analyst Julian Zelizer on Twitter erroneously accused Conway of saying Ocasio-Cortez had ignored the attack on Jewish worshipers on Saturday by a white supremacist at Chabad in Poway synagogue in Southern California that killed one and wounded three including the Rabbi.

Zelizer later deleted and apologized.

Transcript of Conway’s comment about Ocasio-Cortez that occurred in the midst of a debate with host Jake Tapper about President Trump’s statement about the deadly protests by white supremacists and Antifa in Charlottesville in 2017.

CONWAY: I see officials who get a lot of airtime and ink, like Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, congresswoman, who tweets many times about the mosque and never once about the…


TAPPER: But, Kellyanne, you brought up Charlottesville.


CONWAY: … in Sri Lanka.

Ocasio-Cortez took offense at Conway calling her out for grandstanding on the attack on Muslims in New Zealand last month by a white supremacist but ignoring the attack on Christians on Easter Sunday by ISIS Islamist terrorists.

Ocasio-Cortez fired off an angry tweet storm at Conway, eventually posting her first comments about the Sri Lanka attacks after one week of silence.

“Hello Ms. Conway, On Easter I was away from tech visiting my grandmother in Puerto Rico, which continues to suffer from the White House’s incompetent disaster response. Are you trying to imply that I am less Christian? What was the point of you bringing this up on national TV?”

“The terrorist attack in Sri Lanka was horrifying. Saying ‘Easter worshippers’ matters bc Easter is the holiest day of the year for Christians, & to be targeted on Easter highlights how heinous the attack was – just as saying yesterday’s #SanDiego shooting was on Passover.”

Conway responded to Ocasio-Cortez, noting she had tweeted about the movie the day after the attack, but made no comment on the attack until the Sunday after.

“1/2: Hi Congresswoman @AOC. My best to your grandmother. My grandmothers are irreplaceable; miss them every day.
Good that you now condemn Sri Lanka massacre. Some found it odd a prolific tweeter was silent. Following day you tweeted about your movie:”

“2/2: @AOC you and I agree. I said on @CNN today & elsewhere that people of all faiths should be free from harm.
I judge no one’s faith, incl. yours Extreme Ideas like Green New Deal & Socialized Medicine DO scare me tho! Areas for bipartisanship? Call me. Much work to do 🇺🇸”

Ocasio-Cortez tweeted about her movie on April 22 and retweeted a promo posted the same day.

Note: Within hours of the Chabad in Poway attack, Ocasio-Cortez was politicizing the attack, “Heartbroken to hear of the San Diego synagogue shooting, particularly so on this final day of Passover. We have a responsibility to love + protect our neighbors. The longer the Senate delays holding a vote on #HR8, the more we put Americans at risk.”

The post Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez Erupts After Called Out by Kellyanne Conway for Ignoring Easter Massacre of Christians in Sri Lanka appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.

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