
Bill Clinton Preparing to Launch Podcast About His Presidency Titled, “Why Am I Telling You This?”

Bill Clinton

Former President Bill Clinton is preparing to launch a new podcast about his presidency — what could possibly go wrong? 

According to docs obtained by The Blast, a trademark application was filed by the Bill, Hillary & Chelsea Clinton Foundation in Arkansas for a podcast titled, “Why Am I Telling You This?”

The filing states the title will be used for, “Downloadable podcasts in the field of creating global economic opportunity, improving public health, inspiring civic engagement and service and the presidency of William J. Clinton.”

It’s unclear if President Clinton plans on hosting the podcast himself, or will just be providing content and occasional quips about his presidency.

The Clintons have remained in the spotlight following Hillary’s failed White House bid in 2016.

The grifters have been traveling North America for their highly unsuccessful tour dubbed, “An Evening With the Clintons,” as donations to the Clinton Foundation dry up.

Scandals have plagued the Clintons over decades in public life — Their 8 years in the White House was riddled with lies, corruption, criminality and scandals.

It is unclear if Slick Willie will discuss personal stuff like his womanizing and relationship with Monica Lewinski — Or if he will talk about how he sold the US out to China, gave North Korea two lightwater reactors and destroyed jobs with NAFTA.

Why can’t the Clintons just go away??

The post Bill Clinton Preparing to Launch Podcast About His Presidency Titled, “Why Am I Telling You This?” appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.

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