
British Intelligence Doth Protest Too Much On Charges It Spied On the Trump Campaign

President Donald Trump points to a member of the media while speaking in the lobby of Trump Tower, Tuesday, Aug. 15, 2017 in New York. (AP Photo/Pablo Martinez Monsivais)

As we learn more, it becomes more and more likely that the intelligence services of some of the “Five Eyes“–the US, UK, Canada, Australia, and New Zealand–were actively involved in attempting to create the impression that Russian intelligence was influencing the Trump campaign. Stefan Halper, who struck up an out of the blue friendship with Carter Page and spread rumors of Mike Flynn having an affair with a Russian grad student, was an asset of both British Intelligence and the FBI. Christopher Steele, the author of the Steele Dossier which drove this entire hoax investigation, was a retired British intelligence agent and an FBI asset. Alexander Downer, the guy who says George Papadopoulos told him the Russians had Hillary Clinton’s missing emails, is an Australian diplomat and more likely than not has intelligence contacts. From what we know of sources, some of the people under surveillance seem to have been subjected to signals surveillance which would have been illegal for a US intelligence agency. The implication is that the surveillance was done by someone.

Former CIA analyst Larry Johnson was on OANN earlier today and made the claim that the UK had spied on the Trump campaign at the behest of the Obama administration. Johnson has issues with going out on a limb on his analysis, but no more so than the clowns who claim to be intelligence experts who appear on MSNBC and CNN. CNN uses one woman who was in the FBI less than two years as their expert on counterintelligence investigations. At that stage of her career, she wasn’t allowed to go to Starbucks without an escort. What Johnson said was less important that what President Trump said:

The main British signals intelligence organization, Government Communications Headquarters (GCHQ), issued a denial

As we have previously stated, the allegations that GCHQ was asked to conduct ‘wire tapping’ against the then-president elect are nonsense. They are utterly ridiculous and should be ignored.


This is just too cute by half.

No one said anything about GCHQ, the claim was about MI5, MI6, and GCHQ. And no one said anything about “wire tapping,” the charge is “spying.” It would have been easier and more pointed to deny Johnson’s allegations, but they didn’t. Instead they are obfuscating the issue by trying to change the discussion from “spying” to “wire tapping.”

This is a classic example of the non-denial denial.

The significant thing here, I believe, is that after two years of this nonsense, Trump undoubtedly knows a great deal of what happened. He’s going to London for a state visit in June and even Trump isn’t so gauche as to call out the Brits for their complicity in the collusion hoax without evidence. I take the tweet of Johnson’s interview as a signal that he does know and that he will want to talk to someone about it.

In the fullness of time, we are going to find that the odious toad-man, John Brennan, was the pivot man on this particular circle jerk. It is obvious that foreign intelligence services were enlisted to keep tabs on members of the Trump campaign. They were probably enlisted as plausible deniability so the NSA couldn’t be accused of surveillance of American citizens. It is equally obvious that foreign nationals, known to be intelligence assets, were aimed at members of the Trump campaign in an effort to create facts. And it serves the best interests of neither us nor the UK to pretend that this did not happen.

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