
COMPLETE BS: Jared Kushner Explains How Mueller’s Junk Report of Russian Facebook Influence Was Deep State Garbage

Guest post by Joe Hoft

The garbage Mueller Report came out and the overall conclusion is – what a lie!

The report for numerous reasons is a fraud but perhaps one of its biggest shams is its reference to Russians using Facebook to win the election for Trump.

According to far left Russian collusion promoters CNBC

Special counsel Robert Mueller’s report released Thursday says Russia’s Internet Research Agency, or IRA, reached millions of U.S. users on Twitter, Facebook and Instagram leading up to the 2016 presidential election. Russian operatives also communicated with the Trump campaign under false identities “without revealing their Russian association” and interacted with prominent pro-Trump activists to arrange political rallies, “confederate” events and even a #KidsforTrump organization, the report says.

What a joke!  Because Russia’s influence on the election was the heart of the fake investigation, the Mueller gang really let the media have it with false statements and make believe hyperbole of Russians impacting the election through the use of social media.

President Trump’s son in law said it all last week when he shared – the Mueller investigation has been far more damaging to our democracy than the Russian spend on Facebook ads:

Kushner says that the Russians spent around $160,000 on Facebook ads during the election.  This is nothing when compared to Facebook’s revenues and the amount of spend by the Trump campaign during the election on overall ads.

We reported more than a year ago that Mueller’s accusations of Russian Facebook abuse are a total sham. 

For one, Hillary Clinton had a lapdog media that favored her while 91% of the media coverage on her opponent Donald Trump was negative.  The Russians never had a chance.

Facebook executive Colin Stretch told the US Senate Judiciary Committee in November [2017] that the total number of those illegitimate ads are a drop in the ocean — less than 0.004 percent of all content — or about 1 in 23,000 news feed items.

We also know that the Russians also planned election rallies for Trump and for Hillary.  The Mueller report doesn’t share that the Trump rallies saw a total of 31 people show up.  The anti-Trump rallies had a turnout of 10,100 people.

According to testimony in the Senate, the Russians spent a total of $3,111 during the election in Michigan, Wisconsin and Pennsylvania and all but $54 of that total was spent after the primaries.

So in order to keep the Russia Facebook sham alive, Mueller and his gang of “Angry Democrats” decided to indict Russians for Facebook crimes.  Unfortunately for Mueller he indicted three companies and one of them decided to fight Mueller in court.

From this court case with Concord Management we found out that Mueller was totally unprepared for a rebuttal of his false claims of Facebook abuse!

We reported throughout 2018 that lawyers defending one of three Russian companies indicted with the 13 Russians, Concord Management, showed up for court. Mueller’s team was caught off guard and never expected this. They immediately asked the judge for more time but the judge denied their pleas noting that they were the ones who indicted the Russian company in the first place.

When the case proceeded, the Concord attorneys noted that another of the three companies indicted by Mueller was not in existence at the time of Mueller’s indictment. They called this a case of Mueller indicting the proverbial ‘ham sandwich’.

At a following court appearance, the attorneys representing Concord stated that the corrupt Mueller team’s allegations of 13 Russian individuals impacting the 2016 election were “made up” nonsense. The individuals were not even real.

Concord Management’s lawyers revealed that Mueller’s team had ignored over 70 discovery requests they had made for information in the case. In response Mueller’s team offered to give Concord Management’s lawyers a massive amount of social media data from those dangerous trolls who sought to influence the US election and the majority of the data was in RUSSIAN.

Mueller’s lawyers then admitted that they didn’t even have English translations for the Russian social media posts.

Yet, somehow Mueller’s lawyers believed Americans were influenced by these Russian language posts?

The case of the Russians turned into a big joke as the legitimacy of the Mueller indictment was challenged by Concord Management.

In a hearing on October 15th, Concord Management claimed that the Special Counsel’s entire case is built around a 100 year old law that he Mueller team is trying to use in a manner it was not built for.

Then Concord Management accused Mueller of making up a crime because they didn’t have evidence they needed to push their cases forward –

Concord Management argued that Mueller’s team wants to be able to regulate what people say on the Internet –

In a follow up brief to the court on October 23rd, Concord stated

Concord has consistently argued that the Indictment charges no crime at all (interference with an election), but to the extent if purports to charge a crime the essential element of willfulness is fatally absent. The Special Counsel’s retort has been that he was not required to charge willfulness because he did not charge violations of FECA or FARA. Now, in mind-bending, intergalactic, whiplash fashion, he says for the first time, I did, I charged violations of FECA and FARA.(1) Reminiscent of the old adage, “Give a man enough rope and he will hang himself,” the Special Counsel just did so.

(1) Which sounds a lot like “I did, I did, I taw a puddy tat.” Tweetie (1948).

Mueller’s team is and was a complete joke – the Special Counsel never should have been set up.  Mueller’s Facebook story was a sham.  Concord Management knew it – we all did.

But it did give Democrats and the liberal tech giants the excuse to eliminate conservative content.

The post COMPLETE BS: Jared Kushner Explains How Mueller’s Junk Report of Russian Facebook Influence Was Deep State Garbage appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.

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