
Dan Crenshaw Gets Called A Nazi By Some Goof and His Response Is Epic

Screengrab from https://twitter.com/bennyjohnson/status/1122188393037824003

A couple of days ago, freshman Texas Representative Dan Crenshaw was the headliner at a Turning Point USA event at Arizona State University. It was billed as “Representative Dan Crenshaw vs. Socialism.”

Image from TPUSA http://bit.ly/2ZFy74d


Let it be noted that there are a lot of folks, particularly Vichy Republicans, who claim that TPUSA is just a grift run by Charlie Kirk and Candace Owens, but if it is a grift, it is at least a grift that is attacking the left and not bashing people on the right for not being sufficiently pure.

After some discussion, it was time for questions. And the inevitable happened.

If you didn’t catch this, this is Crenshaw’s take:

Screengrab from https://twitter.com/bennyjohnson/status/1122188393037824003

That’s pretty awesome.

I have to admit to being a little skeptical of Dan Crenshaw when he was running for office and was elected. He gave off, in my view, that Martha McSally/John McCain vibe that said he would spend more time showing he was thinking the right thoughts and not one of those knuckle-dragging conservatives who doesn’t read The Bulwark than he would worrying about Democrats. I’m happy to say I’ve been wrong. He’s been fearless in dealing with scum like Ilhan Omar. He’s been outspoken on conservative values. I hope he hangs around and doesn’t go native Washingtonian on us because the GOP and the nation can use a man like him.

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The post Dan Crenshaw Gets Called A Nazi By Some Goof and His Response Is Epic appeared first on RedState.

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