
Dirty Cop Rod Rosenstein Spotted at Capitals Game Laughing After He Destroyed Lives of Trump Officials With Russia Collusion Witch Hunt

Dirty cop Rod Rosenstein was spotted at the Capitals game on Wednesday night having a good time laughing after he destroyed many lives by authorizing Mueller to rove around unchecked for two years.

Rosenstein was on the glass at game 7 at Washington Capitals versus the Carolina Hurricanes laughing the night away.

Meanwhile, several Trump associates had their lives turned upside down after this dirty cop unleashed a massive $35 million Russia collusion witch hunt that lasted for 2 years.

Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein became the de facto Attorney General after Sessions recused himself, quickly appointed Special Counsel Robert Mueller and gave him permission to rove around unchecked in a massive, $35 million witch hunt.

Rosenstein expanded the Russia witch hunt two times and wrote two scope memos giving Mueller permission to ruin lives with an endless fishing expedition.

Rod Rosenstein also signed the June 2017 FISA warrant to spy on Carter Page – 20 pages are still redacted.

Mueller, Rosenstein, Weissmann and over a dozen angry, crooked Democrat donors on the special counsel’s team targeted Trump associates for financial ruin over the past two years and destroyed reputations with perjury traps and damaging leaks to the media.

General Mike Flynn, George Papadopoulos, Paul Manafort and Carter Page were targeted for ruin — Manafort ended up in solitary confinement and sentenced to over 10 years in prison.

Flynn, a three-star General, was forced to sell a home after being buried in legal fees thanks to Rosenstein and allowing Mueller’s corrupt witch hunt.

The swamp in 2019 – where Rosenstein is enjoying a hockey playoffs game on the glass and Trump’s campaign manager Paul Manafort is rotting in prison.

The post Dirty Cop Rod Rosenstein Spotted at Capitals Game Laughing After He Destroyed Lives of Trump Officials With Russia Collusion Witch Hunt appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.

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