
Equally Applied? Twitter’s Guidelines Put James Woods in Social Media Jail for ‘Abusive Behavior’



James Woods is an outspoken conservative and a fan favorite — just see here, here, here, and especially here & here.

Someone who ain’t much of a fan: Twitter.

Not the community; the powers that be.

Hence, the Oscar nominee with over 2 million followers has been locked out of his account for over a week now.

The actor’s girlfriend, Sara Miller, posted a screenshot of the platform telling James he’d engaged in “abusive behavior”:

As noted by The Daily Wire, James’s “kill the king” quote was in response to Mueller’s finding, aka no collusion.

This ain’t the Casino star’s first rodeo. In September, RedState’s Brandon Morse covered James’s goofy ousting by Twitter over a Democratic message he shared which wasn’t real, which he said probably wasn’t real:

In that case, Twitter’d claimed his post could — according to Sara — “impact an election.”

James spoke out to the AP at the time:

“The irony is, Twitter accused me of affecting the political process, when in fact, their banning of me is the truly egregious interference.”

In 2017, the 72-year-old quit the platform altogether for a while, citing a lack of freedom of speech:

“Since [Twitter] is now in the #censorship business, I will no longer use its service for my constitutional right to free speech. #GoodbyeAll.”

There certainly has been some questionable behavior on the part of the site. In March, CEO Jack Dorsey admitted Twitter had unfairly banned conservatives (here). And earlier this month, the social network somewhat suspiciously “accidentally” shut down the account for the pro-life film Unplanned (here).

And then there are things like this, which remain perfectly okay:

What do you think about James’s Twitter jailing? Please let us all know in the Comments section.



Relevant RedState links in this article: here, here, herehereherehere, and here.

See 3 more pieces from me:

Straight Texas Couple Identifying As Gay Male Couple Conceive A Baby Boy, But They’ll Never Do It Again

How To Save The Planet: During Brexit Debate, Climate Activists Glue Themselves To Parliament. Naked.

All Aboard The Idiot Train: Healthy Manhattan Restaurant’s Owner Gets Condemned For The Stupidest Of Reasons

Find all my RedState work here.

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