
‘Fat Sex Therapist’ Says Fitness Trainers Are Nazis, That Children Dieting Is Sexual Assault

No, that headline is not me just being mean. There is actually a lady who bills herself as a “Fat Sex Therapist,” and she’s apparently in demand enough to be booked for a two hour speech at St. Olaf College.

I’ll give you one guess to what department at the college she was giving this speech too.

Correct. It was the “Women’s and Gender Studies” department because who else would think this woman is worthy of listening to for two hours? In the course of her speech, she hit a little bit of everything, from comparing fitness trainers to nazis, accusing child dieting of being sexual assault, and asserting that the Christchurch shooting was a result of white supremacist fitness.

Campus Reform has the story.

I truly believe that a child cannot consent to being on a diet the same way a child cannot consent to having sex,” Sonalee Rashatwar, whose Instagram username is “The Fat Sex Therapist,” proclaimed Thursday from the main stage of St. Olaf College.

She continued, “I experience diet culture as a form of assault because it impacts the way that I experience my body.”

These comments and more were made in the context of her two-hour speech, sponsored by St. Olaf College’s Wellness Center, Women’s and Gender Studies Department, and Center for Equity and Inclusion, on the topic of “radical fat liberation.” The talk included assertions that fitness contributed to the recent Christchurch shooting, that people should “challenge” the rule of law, as well as the authority of and the police.

“Tonight we’re gonna start by talking about how to politicize our definition of body image,” Rashatwar began, “because oftentimes we actually get stuck thinking of it from a white supremacist lense.” She explained how “white supremacy happens every day in all these little little things.”

During the course of her talk, Rashatwar listed science as one of these supposedly white supremacist everyday things.

“We should be critical of the use of science and the production of knowledge to continue promoting this idea that certain bodies are fit, able, and desirable…is it my fatness that causes my high blood pressure, or is it my experience of weight stigma?” Rashatwar asked. She then connected the science suggesting that obesity is unhealthy to Nazism, saying that “fatphobic” science is “often actually eugenic science….eugenic science is Nazi science.”

What in the actual…

“This conversation about pushing off our own wellbeing onto the individual is part of these 1980s Reagan era policies that again try to move that structural obligation of a system and this social safety net onto the individual,” Rashatwar said, “instead of thinking that there should be social supports that also help me to subsidize my food costs.”

There it is. I just knew it’d end up being a Republican’s fault. Apparently Reagan refused to subsidize her food costs or something? I don’t know, this woman is clearly certifiable so it’s hard to keep up.

She then jumped into recent events by bring up the shooting in Christchurch, New Zealand.

Finally, Rashatwar took a crack at recent events, particularly the Christchurch massacre in New Zealand.

“I do not think it’s surprising that the man who shot up Christchurch, New Zealand was also a fitness instructor,” Rashatwar said. After making this claim, she added that the shooting is “a clear communication that there’s still an idealized body. Nazis really love this idea of an idealized body, and so it makes a lot of sense to me that a fitness instructor…might also think about an idealized body in this thin white supremacist way.”

The shooter in Christchurch had a lot of crazy motivations. As far as I know, weight loss wasn’t one of them.

Crazed liberals can connect white supremacy to literally anything they don’t like. In this case, this woman’s obviously self-destructive, morbid obesity isn’t her own fault. It’s instead the fault of Ronald Reagan and white supremacists. I didn’t say it had to make sense.

As hilarious as this is, and I’d recommend reading the entire thing at the link because it’s completely bonkers, it really shows the depravity of the university system in this country. There’s is essentially nothing too insane to entertain as long as it projects an inter-sectional narrative. Everything is white supremacy. Everything is someone else’s fault. Is it it any wonder so many young adults emerge from this crazy factories with no actual life skills?

What value is a gender studies degree from this place? What job is going say “well, you really learned a lot from that fat sex therapist lecture so you’re hired!”

The entire concept of college in America needs to be re-thought at this point because people going hundreds of thousands of dollars into debt to end up with useless degrees and being indoctrinated by nonsense like this isn’t a good investment.


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