
HERE WE GO-> FBI to Meet With Sen. Rick Scott After Mueller’s Garbage Report Claims Russians Hacked Florida County Elections Systems

Senator Rick Scott (R-FL)

The ‘Russians hacked the 2016 election’ narrative will never go away thanks to Mueller’s garbage report – the gift that keeps on giving.

This is Mueller’s gift to Hillary Clinton so she can say definitively that if not for the pesky Russians, she would be in the White House today — because King Mueller said so.

According to dirty cop Robert Mueller, the FBI believes the Russians may have gained access to “at least one” government computer network in 2016 and may have hacked Florida’s election system with “phishing” emails.

Oh please.

Hillary Clinton took the vague claim from Mueller’s report to the next level this week at the TIME 100 event in New York and asserted that US Government officials revealed the Russians accessed elections systems in all 67 Florida counties.

“Just recently, the government, our government, finally acknowledged that the Russians were in the county election systems of every county in Florida,” Hillary Clinton said at the TIME 100 event.

The Florida Department of State sharply rebuked Hillary Clinton’s statement and the rubbish from Mueller’s report and said there is no evidence to back up the claim that the Russians hacked into Florida county’s systems.

The Columbus Dispatch reported, “I spoke with the U.S. Department of Homeland Security when the Mueller report was released and they assured me that Florida’s 2016 election results were not compromised in any way.” The Florida Secretary of State said in a statement. “Additionally, there has been zero information released from the U.S. government to support Secretary Clinton’s claims. Her rhetoric, without any proof or evidence, is irresponsible, dangerous to our democracy and erodes confidence in our elections.”

The FBI is going to meet with Republican Senator Rick Scott in the next few weeks to discuss this alleged breach.

Republican Senator Rick Scott (formerly the Governor of Florida), wrote a letter to FBI Director Christopher Wray last week and requested information the bureau had to back up its claims in Mueller’s report.

Chris Hartline, a spokesperson for Rick Scott, said Thursday that the FBI “has reached out and is working on scheduling a briefing with Senator Scott in the next few weeks,” reported Politico.

How convenient — Florida is a large swing state and the presidential candidate who wins Florida’s electoral votes has the easiest path to the 270 EC votes needed to win the White House.

This new narrative that every Florida county’s elections systems were hacked by the Russians in 2016 gives Hillary Clinton and her media sycophants more ammunition to declare Donald Trump an illegitimate President.

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