
In Same Week NY Times Publishes Anti-Semitic Trump Cartoon They Defend Anti-Semitic Democrat Ilhan Omar in an Editorial

Less than a week after posting an anti-Semitic cartoon bashing Trump and Netanyahu The New York Times defended anti-Semitic Democrat Ilhan Omar on its pages on Thursday.

The New York Times published a horrible antisemitic cartoon last Monday

Not a single person in their layers of editors and fact checkers saw anything wrong with this cartoon depicting a blind kippah-wearing President Trump being led around by a dog depicting Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu.

The New York Times cartoon is eerily similar to an earlier cartoon by the Nazi regime.

The New York Times later posted a correction but not an apology.

Then on Thursday this same news outlet published a fluff piece defending Jew-hating, America-hating radical Ilhan Omar in an editorial.
NewsBusters reported:

While her choice of words has caused some of her own Muslim constituents to describe her as anti-Semitic, many American Muslims across the country are worried that the ongoing criticism of Ms. Omar is being motived by racism and Islamophobia, and they are concerned about the broader consequences for their communities, including a heightened sense that they are not welcome in the halls of power.


But that momentum could easily be derailed, some say, and the blame for such a setback would lie not just with Ms. Omar’s poor choice of words or Mr. Trump’s inflammatory rhetoric, but also with Democratic leaders who appear reluctant to embrace the diversity they claim to champion.


When Ms. Omar first came onto the national scene as a blunt-talking freshman congresswoman from Minnesota, Suldan Hagi, who is a Muslim immigrant from Somalia like Ms. Omar, understood how her comments and delivery could be perceived as hurtful and offensive.

It is quite stunning that the same week The New York Times posts an anti-Semitic Trump cartoon that they would defend a Jew-hater like Ilhan Omar.
It really is quite troubling.

The post In Same Week NY Times Publishes Anti-Semitic Trump Cartoon They Defend Anti-Semitic Democrat Ilhan Omar in an Editorial appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.

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