
Kaboom: Cook County Judge GOES OFF on Kim Foxx, Calls out Double Standards on Jussie Smollett Case

Kim Foxx

Cook County State’s Attorney Kim Foxx. Screen grab via ABC 7 Chicago.

As the fallout over her office’s handling of the Jussie Smollett case continues, Cook County State’s Attorney Kim Foxx has found herself on the hot seat once again – this time over a case unrelated to Smollett’s.

Fox News reports on the case of 21-year-old Candace Clark, a first-time offender who faces one felony count on charges that she filed a false police report over an alleged check forgery. Her public defender argued before the court that there was a double standard at play between Clark’s case and Smollett’s:

Cook County Judge Marc Martin, who was presiding over an unrelated case, chastised Foxx and her office for creating a situation where anyone charged with filing a false report would expect the same leniency her office afforded Smollett.


“Well, Ms. Clark is not a movie star, she doesn’t have a high-price lawyer, although, her lawyer’s very good. And this smells, big time,” Martin said to prosecutors during a recent hearing, Fox 32 reported. “I didn’t create this mess, your office created this mess. And your explanation is unsatisfactory to this court. She’s being treated differently.”

The judge continued, “There’s no publicity on this case. She doesn’t have Mark Geragos as her lawyer or Ron Safer or Judge Brown. It’s not right. And (if) I proceed in this matter, you’re just digging yourselves further in a hole. (If the) press gets a hold of this, it’ll be in a newspaper. Why is Ms. Clark being treated differently than Mr. Smollett?”

According to the Chicago Sun-Times, Clark was pleasantly surprised at the judge’s remarks:

“I was very shocked. I was ecstatic,” said Clark, 21, who lives in Hoffman Estates and works the overnight shift taking care of plants and unloading freight at Home Depot. Clark was back in court Thursday, with her public defender able to convince Martin to give her client two more weeks to possibly resolve the case, first reported by Fox 32 Chicago.


She’s due back in court May 15.

This is another one of the unintended consequences of Foxx’s office dropping the charges against Smollett: precedent. And it’s a bad one.

Her office played favorites in a high-profile case with a Hollywood star who had high-powered political connections. As a result, those who find themselves in similar situations in a Cook County courtroom will now look to use the “Smollett defense” to try and get themselves off the hook.

Foxx’s office has not commented on Martin’s scathing rebuke. Perhaps she’s planning to rush back to the Rev. Jesse Jackson for another rally in which the race card will be used to blame her critics.

FLASHBACK: SA Kim Foxx Rushes To Find Cases With Similar Leniency, Only Ends Up Proving How Corrupt The Deal Was

Sister Toldjah is a former liberal and a 15+ year veteran of blogging with an emphasis on media bias, social issues, and the culture wars. Read her Red State archives here. Connect with her on Twitter.–

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