
MEADOWS: House Republicans Planning to Criminally Refer “Two or Three Individuals” Connected to Fusion GPS

Congressman Mark Meadows

Congressman Mark Meadows (R-NC) said Tuesday that House Republicans are planning on criminally referring a few individuals connected to oppo research firm Fusion GPS.

WaPo reporter Robert Costa asked Rep. Meadows Tuesday if House Republicans were eyeing any individuals for criminal referrals after Schiff revealed Erik Prince will be criminally referred to the DOJ for supposedly making a false statement to Congress.

Meadows did not divulge any names, however, House Republicans have stated in the past that Fusion GPS co-founder Glenn Simpson made false statements to the House Intel Panel during a November 2017 testimony about the timing of his contact with twice-demoted DOJ official Bruce Ohr.

“I can tell you that there are two or three individuals that we believe could have potentially given false testimony to Congress. We have been looking at that, reviewing not only the Mueller report, but comparing those to transcribed interviews that might have happened in Congress,” Meadows said Tuesday at an event hosted by the Washington Post.

Meadows said the criminal referrals would be related to the phony dossier and Fusion GPS, the oppo research firm which commissioned dossier author Christopher Steele.

“I do have great concerns on the role, not just Fusion GPS, but those associated with it played early on and how was that used or not used as it relates to this investigation,” Meadows said.

Perkins Coie, the law firm representing Hillary Clinton’s campaign, hired Fusion GPS in April of 2016 to dig up dirt on Trump’s campaign.

Fusion GPS then hired former British spy Christopher Steele to reach out to his Russian intel sources to dig up dirt on Trump’s camp — Steele ended up compiling a 35-page garbage dossier, full of unverified, salacious allegations against Trump and members of his campaign.

The phony dossier formed an essential part of the FBI’s investigation into Trump’s campaign and was used to obtain a FISA warrant and three subsequent renewals on Carter Page.

Although the FBI terminated its relationship with Christopher Steele in November of 2016, DOJ official Bruce Ohr continued to work as a back channel for Steele to the FBI and Mueller’s probe throughout 2017.

Criminal referrals sent to the DOJ while Jeff Sessions was the Attorney General went no where — Newly confirmed AG Bill Barr is about the rule of law, so there is hope that the criminal referrals sent to the DOJ by Meadows and Nunes actually turn into indictments.

The post MEADOWS: House Republicans Planning to Criminally Refer “Two or Three Individuals” Connected to Fusion GPS appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.

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