
Nervous, John? Brennan Blasts Trump’s “Sociopathic Ramblings” – Denies Participating in a Coup (VIDEO)

Nervous, John?

Former CIA Chief John Brennan blasted the President on Friday and denied he participated in a coup to unseat Trump.

Brennan responded to a clip of Trump’s Thursday night interview with Sean Hannity where the President accurately called the efforts by Brennan, McCabe, Comey and others to unseat him, a coup.

“I really say, ‘Now we have to get down’ – because this was a coup. This was an attempted overthrow of the United States government,” Trump said to Hannity. “These are sick people. These are sick sick people. So let’s see what happens with McCabe and Comey and Brennan and Clapper. They were in on the act. And let’s see what happens, and let’s see how high it goes up.”

Trump suggested Barack Obama was also in on the coup attempt when he said people who are a lot “higher up” in the Obama Admin were in on it too.

Brennan did not take it well and went off on President Trump.

“Well I don’t think it’s surprising at all that we continue to hear the sociopathic ramblings of Mr. Trump claiming that there was this effort to try to prevent him from being elected or to unseat him,” said Brennan.

Brennan also took a shot at Senator Rand Paul for a tweet he posted last month revealing Brennan insisted on including Hillary’s phony dossier in the IC report.

“A high-level source tells me it was Brennan who insisted that the unverified and fake Steele dossier be included in the Intelligence Report… Brennan should be asked to testify under oath in Congress ASAP,” Rand Paul said in a March 27 tweet.


Brennan is nervous because his fingerprints are all over Spygate and we now have a real Attorney General who believes spying did occur during the 2016 election.

Brennan perjured himself in a May 2017 testimony when he said that he did not include Hillary’s phony dossier in the IC report.

There is plenty of evidence to the contrary and Brennan should be asked to testify under oath to Congress ASAP.

The post Nervous, John? Brennan Blasts Trump’s “Sociopathic Ramblings” – Denies Participating in a Coup (VIDEO) appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.

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