
Nervous, Sally? Coup Plotter Sally Yates Attacks President Trump – Questions Trump’s Loyalty to US (VIDEO)

Former Deputy Attorney General Sally Yates attacked President Trump and questioned his loyalty to the US in a Sunday interview on MSNBC’s “Meet the Press.”

And surprise, surprise – leftist hack Andrea Mitchell didn’t even push back.

Recall, Sally Yates was part of the attempted coup and signed one of the FISA renewal applications to spy on Trump campaign advisor Carter Page.

“I mean when the Russians came knocking at their door, you would expect that a man who likes to make a show of hugging the flag, would’ve done the patriotic thing and would have notified law enforcement,” Yates said.

The fact is no Russians came knocking on Trump’s door — the so-called ‘Russians’ were FBI informants working to plant dirt in Trump’s campaign and no one in Trump’s camp took the bait.

Russian lawyer Natalia Veselnitskaya worked with Glenn Simpson, the co-founder of oppo research firm Fusion GPS and met with Simpson before and after her meeting with Don Jr. at Trump Tower in June of 2016.

Furthermore, Veselnitskaya didn’t even give any ‘Hillary dirt’ to Trump’s campaign.

Yates has it backwards — the FBI should have notified Donald Trump if they had information that the Russians were trying to infiltrate his campaign. Instead, the FBI acted like KGB agents and targeted Trump will illegal CI investigations.

MSNBC hack Andrea Mitchell didn’t push back at all — she didn’t ask Yates who the so-called Russians were – she didn’t bring up the fact that the FBI sent informants to bait/spy on Trump’s campaign, nor did she bring up the fact that Sally Yates signed a FISA warrant to spy on Trump’s camp.

Trump’s campaign did not accept help from a foreign adversary, but Hillary Clinton’s camp did — so where is the outrage over Hillary’s camp paying for a phony dossier, compiled by a former British spy who used Russian intel sources?

Hillary Clinton’s camp also met with Ukrainians at the embassy and accepted “dirt” on Trump campaign manager Paul Manafort.

Sally Yates should be prosecuted for her role in the attempted coup to remove Trump from office and for her targeting of General Flynn during the Trump transition.


The post Nervous, Sally? Coup Plotter Sally Yates Attacks President Trump – Questions Trump’s Loyalty to US (VIDEO) appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.

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