
Obama Hack Ben Rhodes Struggles to Keep His Story Together as He Denies Obama’s Involvement in Spygate (VIDEO)

Obama’s former speech-writer-turned-Iran-echo-chamber Ben Rhodes struggled to convince the reporter interviewing him that Obama’s White House was not involved in Spygate.

‘I learned about the Russia dossier and the FBI investigation into Trump in the media,’ Rhodes said.

Where have we heard that before?

Journalist Nicholas Ballasy interviewed Ben Rhodes and asked him about the GOP/DOJ investigation into the origin of the Russia probe.

Ben Rhodes stuttered and became very defensive as he claimed Obama’s White House had no idea there were CI investigations into Trump and his associates during the 2016 election.

“Like we actually abided by firewalls between – if there were any investigations that took place, those decisions were made in the Justice Department and in the FBI, not in the White House,” Rhodes said.

Rhodes continued, “They will find nothing that suggests there was any political White House involvement in any of that because – literally I learned about the FBI investigation of Trump as a private citizen in the freakin’ Washington Post – like so, like, this — you have to understand that we actually abided by the longstanding practice of the White House not getting involved in that kind of stuff.”

As soon as Mr. Ballasy brought up the Republicans on the Hill focusing on the Russia dossier, Ben Rhodes interjected and nervously said, “We had nothing to do with that.”

Ballasy pushed back and asked Rhodes, “So you had never seen it [Russia dossier] when you were in the White House?”

Ben Rhodes denied ever knowing about the dossier or seeing it and claimed he saw it in January of 2017. “We learned about it when it was in the report –“

“No! We had nothing to do with the dossier — like literally — like nothing to do with this dossier!” Rhodes exclaimed.

This was the most awkward interview Ben Rhodes has ever given…why did he even give this interview? He’s a very unconvincing liar.


Rhodes may claim that Obama’s White House had nothing to do with the Russia dossier, but there is plenty of evidence to the contrary.

A text exchange between FBI counterintelligence chief Peter Strzok and his paramour FBI lawyer Lisa Page just 5 days after the CI investigation into Donald Trump was opened in 2016, reveals the White House was involved.

“The White House is running this,” Strzok said to Page in a text.

Furthermore, on January 5th, 2017, then-FBI Director James Comey held a secret meeting in the Oval Office before he traveled to Trump Tower New York to brief president-elect Donald Trump on the Hillary-funded junk Russia dossier.

Senator Grassley uncovered a bizarre email former NatSec Advisor to Barack Obama, Susan Rice sent herself on January 20th 2017–Donald Trump’s inauguration day.

According to Susan Rice’s email, the junk dossier and the FBI’s investigation into its claims was discussed in the meeting — Among the people in the meeting was Barack Obama, James Comey (FBI Director), Susan Rice (NatSec Advisor), Sally Yates (Deputy Attorney General), James Clapper (DNI Chief), John Brennan (CIA Chief) and then-Vice President Joe Biden.

The next day on January 6th, 2017, Comey headed over to Trump Tower New York and briefed then-president elect Donald Trump on the salacious parts of the Russia dossier — Comey lied to Trump and told him he was not under investigation and that he had nothing to worry about.

Clapper, who was also in the January 5th meeting, then leaked Comey’s dossier briefing with Trump to CNN’s Jake Tapper — this was the “news hook” that the Deep State needed to give the dossier credibility — and the 35-page Steele dossier was published later that day by BuzzFeed.

But Barack Obama, Ben Rhodes and others in the Obama White House had no idea what was going on — they learned about Spygate from news reports.

The post Obama Hack Ben Rhodes Struggles to Keep His Story Together as He Denies Obama’s Involvement in Spygate (VIDEO) appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.

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