
Progressive Mob Attacks Buttigieg Sex Assault Accuser, Shame 21-year Old Student

During the confirmation hearing for Brett Kavanaugh, the nation was littered with accusations of sexual assault against the respected jurist, ranging from downright bizarre to barely credible. Over the course of the battle to confirm Kavanaugh, Republicans were constantly reminded that we must believe all victims… no matter the timeline of the allegations or even if they seemed flimsy. All non-victims simply don’t know what it’s like to have been attacked or to muster the courage to come forward. Full-stop… no exceptions.

The allegations leveled by Dr. Christine Blasey Ford were “indelible in her hippocampus”, but contained more holes than a slice of Swiss cheese.

Which brings us to the accusations made against South Bend Mayor and leading Democrat presidential candidate Pete Buttigieg, an openly gay leftist who is aiming to be the first openly gay person elected as President of the United States.

As TGP reported earlier, a 21-year old Michigan college student named Hunter Kelly has penned a post on Medium, where he claims that Buttigieg sexually assaulted him several months ago.

Light on details of the attack, Kelly shares how he agonized over whether or not to come forward with his story after learning that Buttigieg was a candidate for President. He states that he has considered suicide and hasn’t slept in days as he contemplated going public. Kelly ends the post by promising more information in the coming days and weeks.

Progressives immediately pounced on the alleged victim, shaming him for likes on a Facebook profile that appears to belong to Kelly and even going as far as suggesting he doesn’t exist, according to Big League Politics reporter Pete D’Abrosca. BLP has since discovered other social media accounts that date back years that appear to belong to Kelly.

Tim Cox, a self-described gay progressive, wrote his own Medium post peddling conspiracy theories about Kelly. He didn’t take the approach of “believing all victims” or “letting it play out” for the public to decide as progressives demanded of us with the accusations against Judge Kavanugh.

LGBTQNation, an outlet that regularly features loony anti-Trump conspiracy theories, published an article with similar tones. Interestingly, they focus on several alleged gay conservatives, who all claim the allegations are bogus. However, as is the case with most conservatives who opined during the Kavanaugh hearing, they remained consistent in their logic that Buttigieg should be given the benefit of the doubt until more information is known. Still… they victim shamed and LGBTQNation promoted their statements.

Instinct Magazine, another LGBTQ oriented outlet, also victim shamed Kelly. They claim that because he allegedly liked several conservative pages on Facebook that he shouldn’t be believed. They said his accusations so far have been “vague.” They must have forgotten about how vague the allegations against Kavanaugh were in the early stages. Even during her testimony before congress, Dr. Ford couldn’t remember basic details and her allegations went from really-really vague to pretty vague.

In all honesty, we should wait and see.

However, we should also use this moment to remind the American people that when a pro-Trump Republican is accused-of-anything-by-anyone-at-anytime-for-any-reason… the victim must be believed and the accused is guilty until proven innocent.

It was demanded by Democrats and progressives during the Kavanaugh hearing. They claimed the nation deserved to know whether or not a potential Supreme Court Justice sexually assaulted someone. The same applies to candidates for President of the United States… even Democrats like Pete Buttigieg.

The Gateway Pundit has reached out to the alleged victim and will post any updates.

The post Progressive Mob Attacks Buttigieg Sex Assault Accuser, Shame 21-year Old Student appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.

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