
Thousands of Illegal Immigrants to March Nationwide For Right to Drive Without a License

Thousands of illegal immigrants are planning to march in twelve states on May 1 demanding they be allowed to get driver’s licenses, and for people to stop being arrested for driving without them.

May 1 is ‘May Day’ when leftists, anarchists and socialists tend to march for whatever their pet cause happens to be.

While many of the marches are aimed at granting illegal immigrants the ability to obtain driver’s licenses, the campaigns in Georgia and Indiana are focused on “demanding the stop of arrests for driving without a license.”

“Immigrant leaders are calling for the community to stand with them on May 1st to put pressure on their county and state politicians demanding drivers licenses and dignity and for all undocumented immigrants as massive marches and daylong strikes are expected,” the organizers, Movimiento Cosecha, said in a press release.

The group is also demanding that they be able to leave the country and come back, despite the fact that they are not citizens and have no right to be here.

“We are demanding permanent protection from deportation for the 11 million undocumented immigrants; the right to travel freely to visit our loved ones abroad, and the right to be treated with dignity and respect. After years of broken promises from the Democrats, dehumanization from Republicans,  raids, driving in fear of being pulled over, not being able to bury our loved ones, immigrants are taking matters into their own hands.” says Juan Pablo Orjuela-Parra

Twelve states have already passed legislation that allows illegal immigrants to obtain driver’s licenses.

The post Thousands of Illegal Immigrants to March Nationwide For Right to Drive Without a License appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.

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