
Top Dem Lawmaker Threatens Trump Officials: Honor Our Subpoenas Or Go to Jail (VIDEO)

Democrat Congressman Gerry Connolly (VA) threatened Trump officials with jail during an appearance on CNN’s “The Situation Room” with Wolf Blitzer.

Connolly, who serves as a member of the House Oversight and Reform Committee said that if Trump officials don’t comply with subpoenas, they will face fines, contempt charges or even prison.

“This is an assault on the legislative branch and it’s an assault on the Constitution,” Connolly said of Trump officials asserting executive privilege.

“We’re going to resist. If the subpoena is issued and you’re told you must testify, we will back that up — whether that’s contempt citation, whether that’s going to court, whether it’s fines, whether it’s possible incarceration — we will go to the max to enforce the Constitutional role of the legislative branch of the government,” Connolly said.


The Dems are going wild and subpoenas are flying everywhere!

The Democrat Chairman of the House Oversight Committee accused President Trump and AG Barr of ‘massive obstruction’ on Wednesday for ordering federal employees to ignore congressional subpoenas.

Reuters reported that the Justice Department on Wednesday refused to allow John Gore, a deputy assistant attorney general in the Civil Rights Division to provide a deposition scheduled for Thursday if the committee would not allow a DOJ lawyer by his side.

House Judiciary Chairman Jerry Nadler on Monday subpoenaed former White House counsel Don McGahn to publicly testify next month.

On Tuesday it was reported the White House was planning on fighting the House subpoena of former White House counsel Don McGahn and other aides by asserting executive privilege over their testimony.

The President on Wednesday blasted the rabid Democrats and said his White House will be fighting all of the House subpoenas.

“The subpoenas are ridiculous. I have been the most transparent president and administration in the history of our country by far,” Trump said, declaring, “We’re fighting all the subpoenas.”

Where was the hand-wringing by the Democrats when Obama and his Attorney General Eric Holder played this game with ‘Fast and Furious’ and other scandals?

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