
White House Correspondents’ Dinner Opens With Delusional Sermon on How Junk Liberal Journalists are the Real Victims

For over two years the mainstream liberal media pushed a complete hoax about the Trump-Russia collusion delusion.
They were 100% wrong yet pushed this complete hoax for over two years.

At the same time the liberal mainstream media refused to report on the spying by the Obama administration and deep state DOJ on the Trump campaign, transition team and administration.

The liberal mainstream media hit rock bottom.  They cannot be trusted.
Perhaps one of President Trump’s greatest accomplishments has been his ability to shine a light on the corrupt liberal media in the US today.

On Saturday President Trump skipped the White House Correspondents’ Dinner for the second year in a row and traveled to Wisconsin for a rally with supporters.

Last year at the WHCD the comedienne they hired made fun of Sarah Sanders’ looks while she sat on stage.

This year the the White House Correspondents Dinner did not have a comedian emcee its annual dinner.

Instead, the president of the White House Correspondents Association, Olivier Knox, delivered a solemn to the throngs of leftists about how they are victims.

What trash.

The post White House Correspondents’ Dinner Opens With Delusional Sermon on How Junk Liberal Journalists are the Real Victims appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.

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