
Wonderful! Whoopi Goldberg Comes Out to Meet MAGA Protesters at Florida Event, Peaceful Debate Follows (Video)

In yet another sign of how the MAGA movement and conservatives are about peaceful debate, a video uploaded by the Proud Boys shows their nearly 10-minute long interaction with veteran comedian Whoopi Goldberg.

Instead of throwing piss and insults… or burning garbage cans and harming people like the leftist anti-Trump radicals… the group of pro-Trump activists gathered to exercise their free speech rights outside of Goldberg’s Sarasota, Florida appearance on April 27th.

Goldberg, who is a co-host on the left-leaning daytime round-table television show, The View, opted to come out and talk to the group instead of ignoring their peaceful demonstration. The video shows Goldberg and members of the Proud Boys and other Trump activists engaged in a energetic dialogue about politics and public policy.

This should be a lesson to the left-wing and right-wing of our nation. Americans used to freely talk among one another without the fear of violence of threat of total internet censorship. However, since Donald Trump has been elected, radical alt-left groups like Antifa have used violent action to silence their political opponents in a series of hundreds of attacks that have left people injured and terrified.

The mainstream media has ignored the behavior and worked with tech companies to scrub pro-Trump nationalists who support our President from platforms like Facebook and Twitter.

Enrique Tarrio, the Chairman of the Proud Boys, applauded members of his group for showing American how to debate ideas in a way that removes violence and censorship from the equation.

“I could not be more proud of our members. Honestly, I was surprised to see how Whoopi reacted to their presence. This was vintage Whoopi, a champion of competing ideas and open debate. If only we could see more of this in America… our citizenry might not feel so judgemental about our political system.”

The post Wonderful! Whoopi Goldberg Comes Out to Meet MAGA Protesters at Florida Event, Peaceful Debate Follows (Video) appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.

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