
Islamist Assaults Tommy Robinson in the Street While Campaigning for Parliament – Liberal Pedestrians and Politicians Cheer (VIDEO)

Anti-Islamist, Tommy Robinson, is running for a seat in the European parliament, and that has Islamists and liberals hopping mad.

For the second time in two days, Robinson has been attacked in the streets by radicals dumping milkshakes on his head.

This time, it was an islamist who bragged on video afterward.

Here’s video of the attacker bragging:

Plenty of verified far left twitter users are expressing their glee at the assault:

One pol even offered a half apology for approving of the assault:

At least ONE person in Britain gets it:

The post Islamist Assaults Tommy Robinson in the Street While Campaigning for Parliament – Liberal Pedestrians and Politicians Cheer (VIDEO) appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.

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