
Orwellian: It Is Now a Facebook Violation to Speak Positively ANYWHERE About People Facebook Doesn’t Like

In August 2018 Facebook permanently banned Infowars for unspecified “hate speech.”

The tech giants, including Facebook, Twitter, Google-YouTube and Wikipedia have all stepped up their harassment of conservative publishers since the 2016 election.

Conservative television host, writer and popular YouTuber Paul Joseph Watson reported at the time.

Paul Joseph Watson works for Infowars and has been employed by Alex Jones for several years.

On Thursday Paul Joseph Watson was banned from Facebook for being associated with Infowars and Alex Jones.

Paul Joseph Watson has NEVER broken Facebook rules… But he associates with Alex Jones.

Facebook is now banning anyone who is linked to Infowars or has shared too many stories from the conservative Infowars page.

But it’s even worse…

It is now a violation of Facebook policy to speak positively ANYWHERE about people they don’t like.

This is completely Orwellian.
And it looks like they will get away with it.

The post Orwellian: It Is Now a Facebook Violation to Speak Positively ANYWHERE About People Facebook Doesn’t Like appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.

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