
Virginia Strip Club Where Roger Stone is Set to Speak Receiving Death Threats, Promises of Antifa Protests

The Virginia strip club where Roger Stone is set to speak on Saturday is receiving a slew of threats from far-left activists.

The event will be taking place at Papermoon strip club in Richmond, at a club that has previously hosted Stormy Daniels in December. Part of the appeal of this club, for many, is that they aren’t just a place to go watch naked women dance. They also host a variety of newsmakers and entertainers.

Paper Moon projects director Mike Dickinson, the person who booked the event, said he has been receiving death threats and the police are involved now as Antifa has been promising to protest the event. The goal of these scare tactics is to get the club to cancel the event, a non-governmental Hecker’s Veto of sorts, but the club refuses to back down.

While Dickinson has always considered himself a Democrat, the attacks on free speech, which include threats of violence, are driving him away from his former party.

“The hypocrisy is real from the left. I am, or was, about as liberal as anyone can be. I’ve been active politically as a Democrat, but my views are shifting,” Dickinson told the Gateway Pundit. “Just because I gave Roger Stone an event to host doesn’t mean I love him — or hate him. It’s just that I don’t want to play thought-nanny to the world. We all are free to read and make form opinions on our own.”

Dickinson explained how he has not only been the target of threats over the event, but slander and libel as well.

“I’ve been a Democrat my whole life, but this changed me,” he said.

“I don’t know which world would be worse — one ruled by the far left and Antifa or one by Jerry Falwell Jr.,” he joked, referring to the ultra-religious right-wing figure.

On Monday, the police went to the club to warn of threats they were also seeing from Antifa.

“I’ve had death threats, threats to the building, threats they are coming to cause violence,” Dickinson began. “Are they a terror group? They should be.”

The event organizer lamented that, “the keystone of american democracy is free discussion and discourse.”

Despite the attempts to scare him into cancelling, Dickinson said that they will not be backing down — and guests who come to watch the speech will be treated to several surprises.

“We’re not backing down to anyone,” he said, before referencing Ferris Bueller and adding “number one, we don’t back down. Number two, we’re not backing down to someone like that.”

Dickinson explained that part of the reason why he wanted to host Stone was because they had resistance-darling Stormy Daniels there late last year, so he wanted to give the other side a chance to speak as well.

Though there have been threats, the police are aware of them and will be on scene for the event to insure it goes smoothly. Stone will be doing an autograph signing and meet-and-greet while dancers perform. He will then be addressing the audience from a podium on the stage.

“People can expect a lot of fun,” Dickinson said. “There will be no violence.”

The event is set to begin at 8 p.m., with “Manhattan Madam” Kristin Davis also set to appear.

The post Virginia Strip Club Where Roger Stone is Set to Speak Receiving Death Threats, Promises of Antifa Protests appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.

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