
Liberal Law Prof Tells Disappointed CBS Hosts Impeachment Is “Designed To Fail” (VIDEO)

Jonathan Turley is a highly regarded law professor at George Washington University.

Turley is a liberal but he is fair and he is also a realist. He appeared on CBS News this week and explained to the seemingly disappointed hosts why impeachment is probably going nowhere.

News Busters reports:

Turley Tells Disappointed CBS Hosts: Impeachment ‘Designed to Fail’

Appearing on Friday’s CBS This Morning, legal analyst and constitutional law scholar Jonathan Turley completely shattered the hopes of Democrats and the liberal media that President Trump would be successfully impeached and removed from office.

He trashed the proceedings for presenting “the thinnest evidentiary record” and declared the effort was “designed to fail.”

After fellow CBS News legal analyst and anti-Trump Bulwark writer Kim Wehle assured the morning show anchors that Democrats “absolutely” made the case for impeachment, co-host Gayle King turned to Turley and wondered: “Jonathan, do you feel the same?” Turley threw a wet blanket on the discussion: “I’m afraid I don’t.”

This is the key part of Turley’s comments:

Whether this is intentional or not, it seems designed to fail in the Senate. I don’t think you could prove a removable offense of a president on this record even if the Democrats were in control. This thing is too narrow, it is – it doesn’t have a broad foundation, and it’s an undeveloped record.

There are a lot of core witnesses that were not called. And the question is why? They said, “We want a vote by December. We want to vote before Santa.” Why? Why – why would you – why would you be pushing this instead of calling these critical witnesses?

Watch the video:

Turley’s analysis of the situation is so precise.

Even if impeachment makes it out of the House, it’s doomed in the Senate.

Cross posted from American Lookout.

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