
MORE ON MARK ZAID: Creepy Whistleblower Attorney Loves Obama, Posted Resistance Tweets, Hates Trump and Is Fixated on Presidential Assassinations

The Whistleblower’s attorney, Mark Zaid thinks he’s 007.



We already know that the attorney for the Whistleblower (Eric Ciaramella) is a fan of young Disney girls.  He reportedly has a YouTube channel that reveals love for young Disney movies and Disney stars.

He’s pretty creepy in that he brags about watching all the Disney movies multiple times –

Creepy Mark Zaid also bragged on Twitter about getting clearances for guys with child porn issues.

What we uncovered today is that Mark Zaid has a superhero complexHe commissioned art depicting him as a superhero and wrote a piece about superheroes in court, imagining himself as  some sort of James Bond.

Unfortunately Zaid is clearly no ladies man and certainly no James Bond.

Of course Mark Zaid hates President Trump and is vocal about it and as much as he hates President Trump, he loved Obama.

Zaid was a member of the resistance on day one.

He hates President Trump so much that he’s willing to be part of an illegal coup to remove him.  He hates Trump and his family –

The scary thing about Zaid is that he has a fetish for Presidents who were assassinated –

Zaid has also been a guest of CNN multiple times along with Obama’s former CIA Director John Brennan.

Mark Zaid is positively creepy.  His likes and dislikes are creepy and we all should be concerned about his fixation on Presidential assassinations.

Hat tip Yaacov Apelbaum

The post MORE ON MARK ZAID: Creepy Whistleblower Attorney Loves Obama, Posted Resistance Tweets, Hates Trump and Is Fixated on Presidential Assassinations appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.

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