
Mueller Hack Attorney Van Grack Claims for Three Weeks FBI Used Only Raw Chicken-Scratched Notes from General Flynn’s January 24, 2017, Interview in Multiple Deep State Meetings Before Final Notes Drafted

DOJ attorneys denied last month that they were hiding an original 302 report on the General Flynn interview in the White House in January 2017.

The DOJ is seriously asking us to believe that during all these meetings stemming from the FBI’s interview of Flynn and for nearly an entire month, not one person demanded to see a typewritten summary of these unreadable notes?

Instead Brandon Van Grack from the Mueller team claims that there are no drafts of the Flynn interview for three weeks in spite of FBI requirements to create these notes within five days of interviews and this was the interview with the incoming President’s National Security Adviser? 

All these meetings (and no doubt more) took place with chicken scratched notes from corrupt FBI agent Strzok’s interview with Flynn –

2017-01-24 At 12:30, [McCabe-FBI] phone call with [Flynn-NSA] to arrange interview in regard to recent media coverage and public discussion about [Flynn-NSA] contacts with Russian representatives [McCabe-FBI] written statement indicates that it was [McCabe-FBI] and [Comey-FBI] idea to send over the two FBI agents to interview [Flynn-NSA].

2017-01-24 [McCabe-FBI] memo to file regarding his conversation with [Flynn-NSA] on 1/24 (Attachment A)

2017-01-24 Upon completion of the [Flynn-NSA] interview, [Strzok-FBI] and [Pientka-FBI] return to FBI HQ and brief [McCabe-FBI] and [redacted] on interview. 302 filed at a later date, 2017-02-15. This debriefing session was attended by [Strzok-FBI], [Moffa-FBI], [McCabe-FBI], [Priestap-FBI], [Bowdich-FBI], [Trisha Anderson-FBI], [Comey-FBI], and two redacted names. [source for attendees]

2017-01-24 [Yates-DOJ] and [McCord-DOJ-NSC] then brief WH about [Flynn-NSA] interview

2017-01-25 FBI delivers briefing to DOJ in re [Flynn-NSA]

2017-01-26 [Yates-DOJ] and [Priestap-FBI] visit White House to inform Don McGahn that [Flynn-NSA] was compromised by Russian actors

2017-01-27 [Yates-DOJ] returns to the White House for a second discussion about [Flynn-NSA]

2017-01-30 Internal DOJ memo that clears [Flynn-NSA] of being a Russian agent that the DOJ refuses to produce to the Court

2017-02-08 4:00 pm meet and greet Trump-[Comey-FBI]-Reince Priebus meeting at WH ([Comey-FBI] types up notes same day. [Flynn-NSA] was discussed during this meeting.) Comey’s notes, pg. 6-9

2017-02-08 5:03 pm [Comey-FBI] email to [Rybicki-FBI], Subject: RE: [Warner-SCI] Call: “Also sat and chatted with [Flynn-NSA] in lobby

No way that their aren’t earlier notes drafted from the Flynn interview.  Van Grack and the Mueller team want us all to believe in fairy tales and lies.

The post Mueller Hack Attorney Van Grack Claims for Three Weeks FBI Used Only Raw Chicken-Scratched Notes from General Flynn’s January 24, 2017, Interview in Multiple Deep State Meetings Before Final Notes Drafted appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.

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