
Newly Released Strzok-Page Emails Show FBI’s Special Treatment of Hillary Clinton Email Witnesses

Peter Strzok, Lisa Page

Judicial Watch strikes again.

Conservative watchdog group Judicial Watch obtained 35 pages of communications between former FBI counterintelligence chief Peter Strzok and his paramour FBI lawyer Lisa Page that shows the lawyer representing Hillary Clinton’s aides met with senior FBI officials and was given special treatment.

The FBI, under Christopher Wray’s directorship, is currently slow-rolling the release of FOIA documents to Judicial Watch and will continue producing requested records through 2021.

Hillary Clinton’s lawyer Beth Wilkinson was given carte blanche by FBI officials who were investigating Hillary Clinton’s private server and they even discussed holding “discreet” meetings with her so the press wouldn’t be tipped off — the FBI even gave Wilkinson a “heads up” on pending press articles.

“We also discussed making sure that this is done [meeting] in a secure location in a discreet way; she will work with [redacted] and the FBI team on that as well but I said that we will make sure that it happens in a high quality way.” James Baker said in a March 2016 email regarding a meeting with Beth Wilkinson.

Via Judicial Watch:

Two March 2016 emails show then-FBI General Counsel James Baker and then-FBI Deputy Director Andrew McCabe had discussed meeting with attorney Beth Wilkinson, who was representing Clinton aides Cheryl Mills, Heather Samuelson, Jake Sullivan and Philippe Reines. The FBI officials discussed holding “discreet” meetings with Wilkinson in secure locations that were set up to avoid any “stakeouts” by the press. (In a separate Judicial Watch Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) lawsuit, U.S. District Court Judge Royce Lamberth said that he was “dumbfounded” that Cheryl Mills had been given immunity and was allowed to accompany former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton to her FBI interview.

In an email exchange with Deputy Assistant Director in the Counterintelligence Division Jonathan Moffa, Strzok discusses Clinton aides’ laptops, and that Wilkinson said that the laptops in the FBI’s possession did not contain Clinton’s 60,000 emails. She also said that the two laptops that had them are the personal laptops of Mills and Samuelson that were still in use at that time.

On March 1, 2016 an unidentified official from the FBI Office of General Counsel asks Baker if he’d had a chance to speak with Wilkinson, noting “CES [Counterespionage Section] wants to reach out to discuss scheduling additional interviews but wanted some feedback from you first.” Baker replies, “Just did… She appreciated the heads up about the pending press articles. She wants to meet with the DD [Deputy Director] but can only meet on the weekends right now. I will check his availability tomorrow.”

In a follow-up email sent only to Strzok, Baker writes, “She understands that it needs to be in a SCIF [Sensitive Compartmented Information Facility]. She seems more comfortable with NYFO [New York Field Office], but I think would be open to WFO [Washington Field Office] if she can get in and out in a discreet manner (i.e., no chance of a press stakeout or too many people in the office seeing them and having awareness of what is going on). Is there an offsite somewhere in the DC area that might be better? If so, don’t tell me where it is.”

FBI officials also didn’t care that Hillary Clinton’s 60,000 emails were on the personal laptops of Cheryl Mills (Hillary’s aide-turned-lawyer who received immunity) and Heather Samuelson.

So Hillary Clinton’s aides and lawyers were given special treatment by the same FBI that was conducting pre-dawn door-busting raids on President Trump’s associates and lawyers.

“These documents show that the Hillary Clinton team had advocates at the top of the Obama FBI – no wonder the investigation was a sham,” stated Judicial Watch President Tom Fitton. “With explosive material such as this, no wonder the FBI is slow-rolling the release of Strzok-Page documents to Judicial Watch – wanting to wait until late 2021 to produce records!”

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